PHP code example of originphp / text
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download originphp/text library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
originphp / text example snippets
$ascii = Text::toAscii('Ragnarr Loðbrók'); // Ragnarr Lodbrok
$slug = Text::slug('Who is Ragnarr Loðbrók?'); // who-is-ragnarr-lodbrok
$result = Text::contains('foo','What is foo bar'); // true
$result = Text::left('foo','What is foo bar'); // 'What is '
$result = Text::right('foo','What is foo bar'); //' bar'
$bool = Text::startsWith('What','What is foo bar'); // true
$bool = Text::endsWith('bar','What is foo bar'); // true
$result = Text::replace('foo','***','What is foo bar'); // 'What is *** bar'
$result = Text::replace('foo','***','What is FOO bar',['insensitive'=>true]); // 'What is *** bar'
$string = Text::insert('Record {id} has been updated',[
]); // Record 1234568 has been updated
$letter = file_get_contents('/directory/some-file');
$string = Text::insert($letter,[
'salutation' => 'Mr.',
'first_name' => 'Tony',
'last_name' => 'Robbins',
'address_1' => '100 Santa Monica Road',
$string = Text::insert('Record :id has been updated',[
]); // Record 1234568 has been updated
$string = '2019-07-10 13:30:00 "GET /users/login HTTP/1.0" 200 1024';
$result = Text::tokenize($string,['separator'=>' ']);
// Will give you this
'GET /users/login HTTP/1.0',
$string = '2019-07-10 13:30:00 "GET /users/login HTTP/1.0" 200 1024';
$result = Text::tokenize($string,[
'separator'=>' ',
// Will give you this
'ip' => '',
'request' =>'GET /users/login HTTP/1.0',
$truncated = Text::truncate($string,['length'=>50,'end'=>'... truncated']);
$wrapped = Text::wordWrap($string); // default is 80
$wrapped = Text::wordWrap($string,['width'=>50]);
$lowerCase = Text::toLower($string);
$uppserCase = Text::toUpper($string);
$int = Text::length($string);