1. Go to this page and download the library: Download oriceon/minify library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
// app/views/hello.blade.php
{!! Minify::stylesheet('/css/main.css') !!}
// or by passing multiple files
{!! Minify::stylesheet(array('/css/main.css', '/css/bootstrap.css')) !!}
// add custom attributes
{!! Minify::stylesheet(array('/css/main.css', '/css/bootstrap.css'), array('foo' => 'bar')) !!}
// add full uri of the resource
{!! Minify::stylesheet(array('/css/main.css', '/css/bootstrap.css'))->withFullUrl() !!}
{!! Minify::stylesheet(array('//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto')) !!}
// minify and combine all stylesheet files in given folder
{!! Minify::stylesheetDir('/css/') !!}
// add custom attributes to minify and combine all stylesheet files in given folder
{!! Minify::stylesheetDir('/css/', array('foo' => 'bar', 'defer' => true)) !!}
// minify and combine all stylesheet files in given folder with full uri
{!! Minify::stylesheetDir('/css/')->withFullUrl() !!}
// app/views/hello.blade.php
{!! Minify::javascript('/js/jquery.js') !!}
// or by passing multiple files
{!! Minify::javascript(array('/js/jquery.js', '/js/jquery-ui.js')) !!}
// add custom attributes
{!! Minify::javascript(array('/js/jquery.js', '/js/jquery-ui.js'), array('bar' => 'baz')) !!}
// add full uri of the resource
{!! Minify::javascript(array('/js/jquery.js', '/js/jquery-ui.js'))->withFullUrl() !!}
{!! Minify::javascript(array('//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js')) !!}
// minify and combine all javascript files in given folder
{!! Minify::javascriptDir('/js/') !!}
// add custom attributes to minify and combine all javascript files in given folder
{!! Minify::javascriptDir('/js/', array('bar' => 'baz', 'async' => true)) !!}
// minify and combine all javascript files in given folder with full uri
{!! Minify::javascriptDir('/js/')->withFullUrl() !!}
Loading please wait ...
Before you can download the PHP files, the dependencies should be resolved. This can take some minutes. Please be patient.