PHP code example of opportus / object-mapper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download opportus/object-mapper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


opportus / object-mapper example snippets

use Opportus\ObjectMapper\Point\PointFactory;
use Opportus\ObjectMapper\Route\RouteBuilder;
use Opportus\ObjectMapper\Map\MapBuilder;
use Opportus\ObjectMapper\ObjectMapper;

$pointFactory = new PointFactory();
$routeBuilder = new RouteBuilder($pointFactory);
$mapBuilder   = new MapBuilder($routeBuilder);
$objectMapper = new ObjectMapper($mapBuilder);

class User
    private $username;

    public function __construct(string $username)
        $this->username = $username;

    public function getUsername(): string
        return $this->username;

class UserDto
    public $username;

$user    = new User('Toto');
$userDto = new UserDto();

// Map the data of the User instance to the UserDto instance
$objectMapper->map($user, $userDto);

echo $userDto->username; // Toto

// Map the data of the UserDto instance to a new User instance
$user = $objectMapper->map($userDto, User::class);

echo $user->getUsername(); // Toto

class DynamicUserDto {}

$user    = new User('Toto');
$userDto = new DynamicUserDto();

// Build the map
$map = $mapBuilder

// Map the data of the User instance to the DynamicUserDto instance
$objectMapper->map($user, $userDto, $map);

echo $userDto->username; // Toto

class DynamicUserDto {}

$userDto = new DynamicUserDto();
$userDto->username = 'Toto';

// Build the map
$map = $mapBuilder

// Map the data of the DynamicUserDto instance to a new User instance
$user = $objectMapper->map($userDto, User::class, $map);

echo $user->getUsername(); // Toto

class MyPathFinder implements PathFinderInterface
    private $routeBuilder;

    // ...

    public function getRoutes(SourceInterface $source, TargetInterface $target): RouteCollection
        $routes = [];

         * Custom mapping algorithm based on source/target relection and
         * possibly their data...
         * Use route builder to build routes...

        return new RouteCollection($routes);

// Pass to the map builder pathfinders you want it to compose the map of
$map = $mapBuilder
    ->addPathFinder(new MyPathFinder($routeBuilder))

// Use the map
$user = $objectMapper->map($userDto, User::class, $map);

class User
    private $username;

    public function __construct(string $username)
        $this->username = $username;

    public function getUsername(): string
        return $this->username;

class ContributorDto
    public $name;

$user = new User('Toto');
$contributorDto = new ContributorDto();

// Define the route manually
$map = $mapBuilder

// Map the data of the User instance to the ContributorDto instance
$objectMapper->map($user, $contributorDto, $map);

echo $contributorDto->name; // Toto

// Define the route manually
$map = $mapBuilder

// Map the data of the ContributorDto instance to a new User instance
$user = $objectMapper->map($contributorDto, User::class, $map);

echo $user->getUsername(); // 'Toto'

class Contributor
    private $bio;

    public function __construct(string $bio)
        $this->bio = $bio;

    public function getBio(): string
        return $this->bio;

class ContributorView
    public $bio;

class GenericViewHtmlTagStripper implements CheckPointInterface
    public function control($value, RouteInterface $route, MapInterface $map, SourceInterface $source, TargetInterface $target)
        return \strip_tags($value);

class GenericViewMarkdownTransformer implements CheckPointInterface
    // ...
    public function control($value, RouteInterface $route, MapInterface $map, SourceInterface $source, TargetInterface $target)
        return $this->markdownParser->transform($value);

class GenericPresentation extends StaticPathFinder
    // ...
    public function getRoutes(Source $source, Target $target): RouteCollection
        $routes = parent::getRoutes($source, $target);

        $controlledRoutes = [];

        foreach ($routes as $route) {
            $controlledRoutes[] = $this->routeBuilder
                ->addCheckPoint(new GenericViewHtmlTagStripper(), 10)
                ->addCheckPoint(new GenericViewMarkdownTransformer($this->markdownParser), 20)

        return new RouteCollection($controlledRoutes);

$contributor = new Contributor('<script>**Hello World!**</script>');

$map = $mapBuilder
    ->addPathFinder(new GenericPresentation($markdownTransformer))

$contributorView = $objectMapper->map($contributor, ContributorView::class, $map);

echo $contributorView->bio; // <b>Hello World!</b>

class Post
    public Author $author;
    public Comment[] $comments;

class Author
    public string $name;

class Comment
    public Author $author;

class PostDto {}
class AuthorDto {}
class CommentDto {}

$comment1 = new Comment();
$comment1->author = new Author();
$comment1->author->name = 'clem';

$comment2 = new Comment();
$comment2->author = new Author();
$comment2->author->name = 'bob';

$post = new Post();
$post->author = new Author();
$post->author->name = 'Martin Fowler';
$post->comments = [$comment1, $comment2];

// Let's map the Post instance above and its composites to a new PostDto instance and DTO composites...
        ->addRecursionCheckPoint('Author', 'AuthorDto', 'PostDto::$author') // Mapping also Post's Author to PostDto's AuthorDto

        ->addRecursionCheckPoint('Author', 'AuthorDto', 'CommentDto::$author') // Mapping also Comment's Author to CommentDto's AuthorDto

        ->addIterableRecursionCheckPoint('Comment', 'CommentDto', 'PostDto::$comments') // Mapping also Post's Comment's to PostDto's CommentDto's

$postDto = $objectMapper->($post, PostDto::class, $map)

get_class($postDto); // PostDto

get_class($postDto->author); // AuthorDto
echo $postDto->author->name; // Matin Fowler

get_class($postDto->comments[0]); // CommentDto
get_class($postDto->comments[0]->author); // AuthorDto
echo $postDto->comments[0]->author->name; // clem

get_class($postDto->comments[1]); // CommentDto
get_class($postDto->comments[1]->author); // AuthorDto
echo $postDto->comments[1]->author->name; // bob
SourcePoint --> $value' --> CheckPoint1 --> $value'' --> CheckPoint2 --> $value''' --> TargetPoint