PHP code example of openclerk / users

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download openclerk/users library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


openclerk / users example snippets

$migrations = new AllMigrations(db());
if ($migrations->hasPending(db())) {
  $migrations->install(db(), $logger);

  "user_password_salt" => "abc123",
  "autologin_expire_days" => 30,
  "openid_host" => "localhost",
  "oauth2_google_client_id" => "",
  "oauth2_google_client_secret" => "abc123",
  "oauth2_facebook_app_id" => "1234567",
  "oauth2_facebook_app_secret" => "abc123",


// get current user
$user = Users\User::getInstance(db());

// logout any current user

// get a user instance
$user = Users\User::findUser(db(), $user_id);

// signup
$user = Users\UserPassword::trySignup(db(), $email /* may not be null */, $password);
if ($user) {
  echo "<h2>Signed up successfully</h2>";

// login
$user = Users\UserPassword::tryLogin(db(), $email /* may not be null */, $password);
if ($user) {
  echo "<h2>Logged in successfully as $user</h2>";

// forgot password
$secret = Users\UserPassword::forgottenPassword(db(), $email);
echo "Secret = $secret\n";

// complete forgot password
Users\UserPassword::completePasswordReset(db(), $email, $secret, $new_password);

// add password to existing user
$user = Users\User::getInstance(db());
$result = Users\UserPassword::addPassword(db(), $user, $password);

// signup
$user = Users\UserOpenID::trySignup(db(), $email /* may be null */, $openid, "http://localhost/register.php");
if ($user) {
  echo "<h2>Signed up successfully</h2>";

// login
$user = Users\UserOpenID::tryLogin(db(), $openid, "http://localhost/login.php");
if ($user) {
  echo "<h2>Logged in successfully as $user</h2>";

// add identity to existing user
$user = Users\User::getInstance(db());
$result = Users\UserOpenID::addIdentity(db(), $user, $openid, "http://localhost/add.php");

// signup
$user = Users\UserOAuth2::trySignup(db(), Users\OAuth2Providers::google("http://localhost/register.php"));
if ($user) {
  echo "<h2>Signed up successfully</h2>";

// login
$user = Users\UserOAuth2::tryLogin(db(), Users\OAuth2Providers::google("http://localhost/login.php"));
if ($user) {
  echo "<h2>Logged in successfully as $user</h2>";

// add identity to existing user
$user = Users\User::getInstance(db());
$result = Users\UserOAuth2::addIdentity(db(), $user, Users\OAuth2Providers::google("http://localhost/add.php"));