PHP code example of onuraycicek / laravel-whatsapp-cloud-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download onuraycicek/laravel-whatsapp-cloud-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


onuraycicek / laravel-whatsapp-cloud-api example snippets

try {
    $wca = new WCA\WCA\WCA([
        'from_phone_number_id' => $request->from_phone_number_id ?? env('WCA_FROM_PHONE_NUMBER_ID'),
        'business_id' => env('WCA_BUSINESS_ID'),

    $response = $wca->businessProfile("about,address,description,email,profile_picture_url,websites,vertical");
    $data = $response->decodedBody()["data"][0];
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
    if (json_decode($th->getMessage())) {
        return json_decode($th->getMessage())->error->message;
    return $th->getMessage();

    try {
        $wca = new WCA\WCA\WCA([
            'from_phone_number_id' => $request->from_phone_number_id ?? env('WCA_FROM_PHONE_NUMBER_ID'),
            'business_id' => env('WCA_BUSINESS_ID'),

        if ($request->has("file")) {
            $uploadedFiles = [];
            foreach ($request->file as $file) {
                // save file temporarily random name
                $randomName = Str::random(10);
                $tempName = $randomName . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
                $file->storeAs('temp', $tempName);
                $response = $wca->uploadMedia(
                    storage_path('app/temp/' . $tempName)
                $id = $response->decodedBody()["id"];
                $uploadedFiles[] = [
                    "id" => new MediaObjectID($id),
                    "name" => $file->getClientOriginalName(),
                    "temp_name" => $tempName,

            // send
            foreach ($uploadedFiles as $key => $file) {
                $caption = $key == 0 ? $request->message : null; // send caption only first file
                $response = $wca->sendDocument(
                    to: $request->to_phone_number ?? env("WCA_TARGET_PHONE_NUMBER"),
                    document_id: $file["id"],
                    name: $file["name"],
                    caption: $caption

            // remove temporary files
            foreach ($uploadedFiles as $file) {
                unlink(storage_path('app/temp/' . $file["temp_name"]));

            return $response->body();
        } else {
            $response = $wca->sendTextMessage(
                to: $request->to_phone_number ?? env("WCA_TARGET_PHONE_NUMBER"),
                text: $request->message

        return $response->body();
    } catch (\Throwable $th) {
        if (method_exists($th, 'getMessage') && json_decode($th->getMessage())) {
            return json_decode($th->getMessage())->error->message;
        return $th;

try {
    $wca = new WCA\WCA\WCA([
        'from_phone_number_id' => env('WCA_FROM_PHONE_NUMBER_ID'),
        'business_id' => env('WCA_BUSINESS_ID'),

    $response = $wca->getBusinessPhoneNumbers();
    $data = $response->decodedBody()["data"];
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
    if (json_decode($th->getMessage())) {
        return json_decode($th->getMessage())->error->message;
    return $th->getMessage();