PHP code example of onpayio / php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download onpayio/php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


onpayio / php-sdk example snippets

ntWindow = new \OnPay\API\PaymentWindow();
// Reference must be unique (eg. invoice number)
// Force 3D secure
// Set payment method to be card
// Enable testmode

// Add additional info
$paymentInfo = new \OnPay\API\PaymentWindow\PaymentInfo();
$paymentInfo->setName('Test Pærsån');
$paymentInfo->setEmail('[email protected]');
// And so on, a lot more fields should be set if data available for it



$payment = new \OnPay\API\PaymentWindow();

if($payment->validatePayment($_GET)) {
    echo "Payment was successfull";
} else {
    echo "There was an error with the payment";

 TokenStorage implements \OnPay\TokenStorageInterface {
    protected $token;
    protected $fileName;

    public function __construct($filename) {
        $this->fileName = $filename;
        if (file_exists($filename)) {
            $this->token = file_get_contents($this->fileName);

    public function getToken() {
        return $this->token;

    public function saveToken($token) {
        $this->token = $token;
        file_put_contents($this->fileName, $token);

// TODO: It is extremely important that the .token.bin file is not accessible from the internet.
// It gives complete API access to anyone that gets a hold of it, treat it like a database password!
$tokenStorage = new TokenStorage(__DIR__ . '/.token.bin');

$onPayAPI = new \OnPay\OnPayAPI($tokenStorage, [
    'client_id' => '', // It is recommended to set it to the domain name the integration resides on
    'redirect_uri' => 'http://localhost/onpay-php-sdk/example2.php?auth',
    'gateway_id' => '1234', // Should be set to the gateway id you are integrating with

// Special handling if we are about to auth against the API
if (isset($_GET['auth'])) {
    if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
        $authUrl = $onPayAPI->authorize();
        header('Location: ' . $authUrl);
    } else {
        echo 'Authorized :tada:' . PHP_EOL;

// Check if we need to authenticate
if (!$onPayAPI->isAuthorized()) {
    echo 'Not authorized for the API! ' . PHP_EOL;
    echo '<a href=?auth>Click here to initiate authorization</a>' . PHP_EOL;

// Execute API method

if($onPayAPI->isAuthorized()) {
    $paymentWindow = new OnPay\API\PaymentWindow();
    // -- Required fields -- //
    // see:
    //   for a detailed explanation of each field.
    // -- Optional fields -- //
    // see:
    //   for a detailed explanation of each field.
    // -- Optional Payment Info Fields -- //
    // see:
    //   for a detailed explanation of each field.
    $paymentInfo = new OnPay\API\PaymentWindow\PaymentInfo();
    $paymentInfo->setName('individuals name');
    $paymentInfo->setEmail('[email protected]');
    $paymentInfo->setAddressIdenticalShipping('Y'); // Or 'N'
    $paymentInfo->setDeliveryEmail('[email protected]');
    $paymentInfo->setPreorderDate(new DateTime('+1 month'));
    // -- Optional Gift card options -- //
    // -- Optional Account options -- //
    // see:
    //   for a detailed explanation of each field.
    // -- Optional Shipping options -- //
    // see:
    //   for a detailed explanation of each field.
    $paymentInfo->setShippingAddressLine1('line 1');
    $paymentInfo->setShippingAddressLine2('line 2');
    $paymentInfo->setShippingAddressLine3('line 3');
    // -- Optional Billing options -- //
    // see:
    //   for a detailed explanation of each field.
    $paymentInfo->setBillingAddressLine1('line 1');
    $paymentInfo->setBillingAddressLine2('line 2');
    $paymentInfo->setBillingAddressLine3('line 3');
    // -- Optional Phone options -- //
    // see:
    //   for a detailed explanation of each field.
    $paymentInfo->setPhoneHome('45', '37123456');
    $paymentInfo->setPhoneMobile('45', '37123456');
    $paymentInfo->setPhoneWork('45', '37123456');
    // Assign the above settings to the window
    // -- (N.B Required for some card methods!) Cart options -- //
    // see:
    //   for a detailed explanation of each field.
    $paymentCart = new OnPay\API\PaymentWindow\Cart();
    // see:
    $paymentCart->setShipping(500, 25, 40);
    // see: 
    $paymentCart->setHandling(500, 25);
    // see:
    $cartItem1 = new OnPay\API\PaymentWindow\CartItem('item1 name', 250, 1, 12, 'item1 description', 'item1 sku');
    $cartItem2 = new OnPay\API\PaymentWindow\CartItem('item2 name', 250, 1, 12, 'item2 description', 'item2 sku');
    $paymentCart->setItems([$cartItem1, $cartItem2]);
    // Assign the cart to the window
    // Finally - submit the payment request via the api
    $paymentService = new OnPay\API\PaymentService($onPayAPI);
    $paymentResult = $paymentService->createNewPayment($paymentWindow);

if($onPayAPI->isAuthorized()) {

    // Get list of transactions
    // Get the pagination object
    // Get specific transaction

    // Capture transaction

    // Cancel transaction 


if($onPayAPI->isAuthorized()) {
    // Get list of subscriptions
    // Get the pagination object
    // Get details about a specific subscription

    // Create transaction from subscription
    $onPayAPI->subscription()->createTransactionFromSubscription("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", 100, "orderId");
