PHP code example of onpage-dev / onpage-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download onpage-dev/onpage-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


onpage-dev / onpage-php example snippets

$schema = \OnPage\Schema::fromToken('MY-API-TOKEN');

// Retrieve all records of a resource (returns a laravel collection of \OnPage\Thing)
$products = $schema->query('products')->all();
foreach ($products as $prod) {
    // ...

// Get only the first item
$prod = $api->query('products')->first();

// Retrieve all records of a resource (returns a laravel collection of \OnPage\Thing)
// NOTE: system fields must be prefixed with the _ symbol
    ->where('_id', 42) // = is the default operator
    ->where('_created_at', '<', '2024-01-01 00:00:00')
    ->where('_updated_at', '>=', '2024-01-01 00:00:00')

// Other filters
    ->where('name', 'like', 'shoes') // you can specify a different operator
    ->where('', 'Nike') // you can query relations
    ->where('dimension', '>', 10) // you get it
    ->whereIn('size', [42, 43, 44])
    ->all(); // returns a collection with all your records

// Join filters with the OR clause: get all products for the adidas or nike brands
    ->whereOneOf(function(\OnPage\QueryBuilder $q) {
        ->where('price', 'Nike')
        ->where('brand', 'Adidas')

// Advanced filtering by relation

    // only retrieve products that have at least one associated category

    // only retrieve products that have zero associated categories
    ->whereHas('category', null, '=', 0)

    // only retrieve products that have at least one variant with at least one color

    // Only get products that have at least one category that satisfies these 2 conditions:
    ->whereHas('category', function(\OnPage\QueryBuilder $q) {
      $q->where('is_online', true);
      $q->where('name', 'like', 'shoes');


// You can just simply move data to trash the same way:

// Or delete elements bypassing the trash:
    ->delete(forever: true);

// Filter by element status trash, any
    ->delete(forever: true);

$cat = $api->query('categories')->first();
echo $cat->id; // item ID
echo $cat->created_at; // creation date e.g. 2022-01-01 23:33:00
echo $cat->updated_at; // date of last update to any of the fields e.g. 2022-01-01 23:33:00
echo $cat->order; // global order number (float)
echo $cat->val('name');
echo $cat->val('dimension');
echo $cat->val('description', 'zh'); // you can specify a language

// Or set the default language
$schema->lang = 'zh';
echo $cat->val('name'); // 再见

// You can also set a fallback language
$schema->lang = 'zh';
$schema->fallback_lang = 'en';
echo $cat->val('description'); // English description if chinese description is missing

// The values function is useful for multivalue fields, it will return a laravel collection of values.
echo $cat->values('bullet_points')->implode('; ');

# original size
$product->file('specsheet')->name // icecream-spec.pdf
$product->file('specsheet')->token // R417C0YAM90RF
$product->file('specsheet')->link() //

// Force download (by default the browser will try to preview the file, e.g. pdf/images)
$product->file('specsheet')->link([ 'download' => true ])

// Customize file name
$product->file('specsheet')->link([ 'name' => 'my custom name.pdf' ])

# maintain proportions width 200px
$product->file('cover_image')->link(['x' => 200])

# maintain proportions height 100px
$product->file('cover_image')->link(['y' => 100])

# crop image to width 200px and height 100px
$product->file('cover_image')->link(['x' => 200, 'y' => 100])

# maintain proportions and contain in a rectangle of width 200px and height 100px
$product->file('cover_image')->link(['x' => 200, 'y' => 100, 'contain' => true])

# convert the image to png (default thumbnail extension is png)
$product->file('cover_image')->link(['x' => 200, 'ext' => 'png'])

// Speed things up by only loading some fields

// You can also limit the fields on a related item
->with([ 'colors' ])
->loadRelationFields('colors', ['name', 'image']) // only load 2 fields for the "color" relation

// Get a mapping between two fields or a field and the thing ID
// [ 'MYSKU100' => 1827, 'MYSKU101' => 1828, ... ]

$api->query('products')->map('code', 'title');
// [ 'MYSKU100' => 'Apples', 'MYSKU101' => 'Bananas', ... ]

// You need to specify the relations using the "with" method
$cat = $api->query('categories')
$subcategories = $cat->rel('subcategories');
foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) {
    echo $subcategory->val('name');

// You can also preload nested subcategories
$cat = $api->query('categories')

// Or you can pass the relations as an array
$products_with_colors = $api->query('products')
    ->with([ 'colors', 'categories' ])
foreach ($products_with_colors as $prod) {
    echo $prod->val('name');
    foreach ($prod->colors as $color) {
        echo $color->val('name');

// If you need to filter the related items you want to download, you can do this:
$cat = $api->query('categories')
    ->filterRelation('subcategories.articles', function(\OnPage\QueryBuilder $q) {
        $q->where('is_online', true);

$writer = $api->resource('categories')->writer();

$editor = $writer->createThing();
$editor->set('name', 'Element 1');
$editor->setRel('category', [ 12345 ]); // array with category IDs

$editor = $writer->updateThing(736251); // The id of the element you want to update
$editor->set('description', 'Element 1 description');

// this will create and update all the things as requested above

$product = $api->query('products')->where('name', 'Plastic Duck')->first();

$editor = $product->editor();
$editor->set('description', 'This yellow plastic duck will be your best friend');
$editor->set('description', '这只黄色塑料鸭将是你最好的朋友', 'zh'); // you can specify language

// Save all the edits at once using the save method

// Update the chinese description without deleting the english description:
$editor = $product->editor();
$editor->setLangs([ 'zh' ]);
$editor->set('description', '这只');

// Update the value in the default language
$editor->set('description', 'This yellow plastic duck will be your best friend');

// Specify another the language
$editor->set('description', '这只黄色塑料鸭将是你最好的朋友', 'zh');

$editor->set('image', new \OnPage\FileUpload('/path/to/bird.jpg')); // upload file

$editor->set('image', ''); // specify file by url

$editor->setValues('bullet_points', [
    'Durable plastic',
    'Bright yellow color',

$editor->setRel('features', [

// Retrieve info about the schema:
echo $schema->label;

// Retrieve a resource given its name or ID
$res = $schema->resource('products');
foreach ($res->fields() as $field) {
    echo "$field->getLabel()\n"; // Main image
    echo "$field->getLabel('zh')\n"; // "Main Image" but in Chinese
    echo "$field->name\n"; // "main_image"
    echo "$field->type\n"; // string|file|image|real|int|text|...
    echo "$field->unit\n"; // null|kg|...
    echo "$field->is_multiple\n"; // true|false
    echo "$field->is_translatable\n"; // true|false
