PHP code example of onpage-dev / laravel-plugin

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download onpage-dev/laravel-plugin library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


onpage-dev / laravel-plugin example snippets

// Search by native fields (id, created_at, updated_at, order)
\Data\Products::where('id', 123123)->first();

// For other fields, use the `whereField` function
\Data\Products::whereField('code', 'AT-1273')->first();

// By default, the filter will be applied on the current locale language
\Data\Products::whereField('description', 'like', '%icecream%')->get();

// You force the filter to search for values in a specific language
\Data\Products::whereField('', 'like', '%gelato%')->paginate();

// To query relations, you can use the standard whereHas laravel function
\Data\Products::whereHas('categories', function($q) {
    $q->whereField('is_visible', true);

// If you have a file field, you can query by token and by name
\Data\Products::whereField('image:name', 'gelato.jpg')->get();
\Data\Products::whereField('image:token', '79YT34R8798FG7394N')->get();

// For dimension fields (dim2 and dim3) you can use both the x,y,z selectors, or the 0,1,2 selectors
\Data\Products::whereField('dimension:x', '>', 100)->get();
// ... is the same as
\Data\Products::whereField('dimension:0', '>', 100)->get();

// Prefix 'or' for expand the results to another condition

// Suffix 'Not' for negative query
\Data\Products::whereFieldNot('calories','like','low calorie')->get()     

// Suffix 'In' for search in an array of values


// Native field values:
$product->id // 123123
$product->created_at // 2022-01-01 00:00:00
$product->updated_at // 2023-02-03 01:30:00

// Field values:
$product->val('name') // Icecream
$product->val('name', 'it') // Gelato

echo $product->val('descriptions')->first();
// ... or
foreach ($product->val('descriptions') as $descr) {
    echo "- $descr\n";

// Original size
$product->val('specsheet')->name // Icecream-spec.pdf
$product->val('specsheet')->token // R417C0YAM90RF
$product->val('specsheet')->link() //

// Maintain proportions width 200px
$product->val('cover_image')->link(['x' => 200])

// Maintain proportions height 100px
$product->val('cover_image')->link(['y' => 100])

// Crop image to width 200px and height 100px
$product->val('cover_image')->link(['x' => 200, 'y' => 100])

// Maintain proportions and contain in a rectangle of width 200px and height 100px 
$product->val('cover_image')->link(['x' => 200, 'y' => 100, 'contain' => true])

// Convert the image to png (default is jpg)
$product->val('cover_image')->link(['x' => 200, 'ext' => 'png'])

// Get a resource definition by name:
$prod_res = \Onpage\resource('prodotti') // Returns \OnPage\Resource::class
$prod_res->label; // "Prodotti"
$prod_res->name; // "products"
$prod_res->labels; // [ 'it' => 'Prodotti', 'en' => 'Products' ]

// Get all fields available for this resource:
$weight_field = $prod_res->field('weight'); // Returns \OnPage\Field::class or null
$weight_field->label; // "Peso"
$weight_field->name; // "weight"
$weight_field->type; // "real"
$weight_field->getUnit(); // "kg"
$weight_field->labels; // [ 'it' => 'Peso', 'en' => 'Weight' ]
$weight_field->descriptions; // 'Rappresenta il peso espresso in kg'
$weight_field->description; // [ 'it' => 'Rappresenta il peso espresso in kg', 'en' => 'Represents the weight expressed in kg' ]

// Get all resource fields:
$prod_res->fields // Collection of \OnPage\Field::class

// Print all fields of the products resource
foreach($products->fields as $field) {
  echo "- $field->label (type: $field->type)\n"

$prod_res = \Onpage\resource('prodotti') // Returns \OnPage\Resource::class

$prod_res->field_folders; // Collection of \OnPage\FieldFolders::class

$field_folder = $prod_res->field_folders->first() // get the first field folder
$field_folder->label; // "Folder1"

$field_folder->fields; // Collection of \OnPage\Field::class

$prod_res->things->first()->default_folder; // Get the default folder for the thing or null
php artisan vendor:publish --provider 'OnPage\OnPageServiceProvider'
php artisan migrate
php artisan onpage:rollback