PHP code example of onmotion / yii2-page-assessments

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download onmotion/yii2-page-assessments library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


onmotion / yii2-page-assessments example snippets

'modules' => [
    'assessments' => [
        'class' => 'onmotion\assessments\Module',

echo \onmotion\assessments\widget\AssessmentWidget::widget([
    'fluent' => false, // static or fluent view
   // 'timeout' => 1500 // timeout bafore appearance.
    'questions' => [
        'Is this page helpful?', // simple question
            'title' => 'What do you think about it?',
            'maxValue' => 6, 
          //  'allowComment' => true // allow optional comment
            'allowComment' => [1, 2, 3], // allow comment only if value is 1, 2 or 3.
          //  'model' => (new SomeActiveRecordModel),
          //  'repeat' => true, // whether to force repeat the question
          //  'afterVoteText' => [  // show comment after got a vote (string || array)
          //                    1 => 'It\'s ok! 👌',
          //                    2 => 'Could be better 😎',
          //                    3 => 'So so...',
          //                    4 => 'Very good!',
          //                    5 => 'Perfect!',
          //                ]

echo \onmotion\assessments\widget\AssessmentWidget::widget([
            'fluent' => true,
            'questions' => $questions,
            'icons' => [
                    1 => '<span class="assessment-icon"><span class="assessment-icon__angry"></span></span>',
                    2 => '<span class="assessment-icon"><span class="assessment-icon__sad"></span></span>',
                    3 => '<span class="assessment-icon"><span class="assessment-icon__thinking"></span></span>',
                    4 => '<span class="assessment-icon"><span class="assessment-icon__happy"></span></span>',
                    5 => '<span class="assessment-icon"><span class="assessment-icon__in-love"></span></span>',