1. Go to this page and download the library: Download onlyphp/simple-queue library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
onlyphp / simple-queue example snippets
use OnlyPHP\SimpleQueue\JobProcessor;
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=your_database', 'username', 'password');
$queue = new JobProcessor($pdo);
$pdoMssql = new PDO('sqlsrv:Server=localhost;Database=your_database', 'username', 'password');
$queueMssql = new JobProcessor($pdoMssql);
// PDO Oracle
$pdoOracle = new PDO('oci:dbname=your_database', 'username', 'password');
$queueOracle = new JobProcessor($pdoOracle);
// CodeIgniter 3
$queue = new JobProcessor($this->db);
// CodeIgniter 4
$db = \Config\Database::connect();
$queue = new JobProcessor($db);
// Laravel
$queue = new JobProcessor(DB::connection());
// Dispatch a closure
$queue->job(function() {
echo "Processing job...";
// Dispatch a function
$queue->job('process_data', ['param1', 'param2'])->setIncludePathFile('/path/to/file.php')->dispatch();
// Dispatch a class method
$queue->job([new YourClass(), 'methodName'], $params)->dispatch();
// Execute job immediately without queueing (foreground processed) using closure/callable
$result = $queue->job($callable)->dispatchNow();
class EmailService {
public function sendBulkEmails(array $recipients, string $template) {
foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
// Process each email
// Queue the email job
$emailService = new EmailService();
$recipients = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'];
$queue->job([$emailService, 'sendBulkEmails'], $recipients)
class FileProcessor {
public function processLargeFile(string $filePath) {
// Process large file
// Queue file processing
$processor = new FileProcessor();
$queue->job([$processor, 'processLargeFile'], $filePath)
->setTimeout(3600) // 1 hour timeout
class OrderProcessor {
public function processOrder(int $orderId, array $items) {
// Process order logic
// Queue order processing
$processor = new OrderProcessor();
$order = [
'id' => 1234,
'items' => ['item1', 'item2']
$queue->job([$processor, 'processOrder'], $order)
class DataExporter {
public function exportToCSV(string $query, string $filename) {
// Export logic
// Queue export job
$exporter = new DataExporter();
$queue->job([$exporter, 'exportToCSV'], $params)
->setTimeout(7200) // 2 hours
function exportCsvData(string $filePath) {
// Process to export data
// Queue file export processing
$queue->job('exportCsvData', $filePath)
->setIncludePathFile('/path/to/csv_helpers.php') // Include the file before called the function
class MyInvokableClass {
public function __invoke($param1, $param2) {
// Invokable class logic
echo "Processing invokable class with params: $param1, $param2";
$invokable = new MyInvokableClass();
$processor->job($invokable, ['param1', 'param2'])
$config = [
'process_check_interval' => 1000000, // Worker check interval (microseconds)
'worker_timeout' => 3600, // Worker timeout (seconds)
'max_workers' => 1, // Maximum number of concurrent workers
'lock_dir' => '/tmp' // Directory for worker lock files
$queue = new JobProcessor($connection, $config);
$processor = new JobProcessor($connection, $config);
// Get queue statistics
$stats = $processor->getJobStats();
/* Output:
'total_jobs' => 100,
'pending_jobs' => 10,
'processing_jobs' => 5,
'completed_jobs' => 80,
'failed_jobs' => 5,
'avg_processing_time' => 45.5
// Get specific job status
$jobUuId = $processor->job($callable)->dispatch();
$status = $processor->getJobStatus($jobUuId);
// Retry failed jobs
// Clear old failed jobs
$processor->clearFailedJobs(30); // Clear jobs older than 30 days
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