PHP code example of ondrakoupil / hybridauth-skautis

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ondrakoupil/hybridauth-skautis library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ondrakoupil / hybridauth-skautis example snippets

$config = array(
	"base_url" => "... URL vašeho endpointu ...",
	"providers" => array (
		"SkautIS" => array(
			"enabled" => true,
			"test" => true,
			"wrapper" => array(
				"class" => "\\HybridAuth\\SkautIS\\Adapter"
			"keys" => array(
				"appId" => "... vaše APP ID ..."
			"data" => array(
				"contacts" => true,
				"photo" => true,
				"roles" => true,
				"unit" => true,
				"roleUnitDetails" => false
			"photoProxy" => "",
			"photoSize" => "medium"
		"Google" => "...",
		"Facebook" => "...",
		"Twitter" => "..."