PHP code example of omz13 / kirby3-xmlsitemap

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download omz13/kirby3-xmlsitemap library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


omz13 / kirby3-xmlsitemap example snippets

return [
  'omz13.xmlsitemap.cacheTTL' => 60,
  'omz13.xmlsitemap.itemap.excludePageWhenTemplateIs' => [ 'contact','sandbox' ],
  'omz13.xmlsitemap.excludePageWhenSlugIs' => [ 'form' ],
  'omz13.xmlsitemap.excludeChildrenWhenTemplateIs' => [ 'events','one-pager','shop','team','testimonials' ],

return [
  'omz13.xmlsitemap' => [
    'cacheTTL' => 60,
    'lateIs' => ['contact','sandbox'],
    'excludePageWhenSlugIs' => [ 'form' ],
    'excludeChildrenWhenTemplateIs' => [ 'events','one-pager','shop','team','testimonials' ],
    'disableImages' => false,

return [
  'debug'  => true,

  'omz13.xmlsitemap' => [
    'omz13.xmlsitemap.debugqueryvalue' => 'wombat,'
    'omz13.xmlsitemap.dePageWhenTemplateIs' => ['contact','sandbox'],
    'omz13.xmlsitemap.excludePageWhenSlugIs' => [ 'form' ],

'omz13.xmlsitemap.addPages' => function() {
   return kirby()->collection('articles');

'omz13.xmlsitemap.addPages' => function() {
  $c = new Kirby\Cms\Pages;
  $c->add( kirby()->site()->find('blog/the-sweet-dessert') );
  return $c;

<?= $page->headLinkAlternates();