PHP code example of omnipay / sagepay

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download omnipay/sagepay library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


omnipay / sagepay example snippets

use Omnipay\Omnipay;
use Omnipay\Common\CreditCard;

// Create the gateway object.

$gateway = OmniPay::create('SagePay\Direct')->initialize([
    'vendor' => 'vendorname',
    'testMode' => true,

// Create the credit card object from details entered by the user.

$card = new CreditCard([
    'firstName' => 'Card',
    'lastName' => 'User',

    'number' => '4929000000006',
    'expiryMonth' => '12',
    'expiryYear' => '2019',
    'CVV' => '123',

    // Billing address details are ge = $requestMessage->send();

if ($responseMessage->isRedirect()) {

$completeRequest = $gateway->completeAuthorize([
    'transactionId' => $transactionId,
$completeResponse = $completeRequest->send();

use Omnipay\Omnipay;
use Omnipay\CreditCard;

$gateway = OmniPay::create('SagePay\Direct');

$gateway->setTestMode(true); // For test account

// The minimal card details to save to the gateway.
// The CVV is optional. However it can be supplied later when
// transactions are being initiated, though that is not advised
// as the CVV will need to go through your site to be added to
// the transaction.

$card = new CreditCard([
    'firstName' => 'Joe',
    'lastName' => 'Bloggs',
    'number' => '4929000000006',
    'expiryMonth' => '12',
    'expiryYear' => '2020',
    'cvv' => '123',

// Send the request.

$request = $gateway->createCard([
    'currency' => 'GBP',
    'card' => $card,

$response = $request->send();

// There will be no need for any redirect (e.g. 3D Secure), since the
// card is not being authorized at this point.

if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
    $cardReference = $response->getCardReference();
    // or if you prefer to treat it as a single-use token:
    $token = $response->getToken();

use Omnipay\Omnipay;

$gateway = OmniPay::create('SagePay\Server');

$gateway->setTestMode(true); // For a test account

use Omnipay\Common\CreditCard;

$creditCard = new CreditCard([
    'billingFirstName' => 'Joe',
    'billingLastName' => 'Bloggs',
    'billingAddress1' => 'Billing Address 1',
    'billingAddress2' => 'Billing Address 2',
    //'billingState' => '',
    'billingCity' => 'Billing City',
    'billingPostcode' => 'BPOSTC',
    'billingCountry' => 'GB',
    'billingPhone' => '01234 567 890',
    'email' =>  '[email protected]',
    'clientIp' => '',
    'shippingFirstName' => 'Joe',
    'shippingLastName' => 'Bloggs',
    'shippingAddress1' => '99',
    'shippingState' => 'NY',
    'shippingCity' => 'City1',
    'shippingPostcode' => 'SPOSTC',
    'shippingCountry' => 'US',
    'shippingPhone' => '01234 567 890 SS',

// Use the billing name and address for the shipping name and address too.

// or

$response = $gateway->authorize([
    'billingForShipping' => true,

// Create a unique transaction ID to track this transaction.

$transactionId = {create a unique transaction id};

// Custom surcharges can be added here.
// You must construct the XML string; there is no XML builder in this driver
// at this time. Length is very limited, so keep it compact.

$surchargeXml = '<surcharges>'
        . '<surcharge>'
            . '<paymentType>VISA</paymentType>'
            . '<percentage>5.20</percentage>'
        . '</surcharge>'
    . '</surcharges>';

// Send the authorize request.
// Some optional parameters are shown commented out.

$response = $gateway->authorize([
    'amount' => '9.99',
    'currency' => 'GBP',
    'card' => $card,
    'notifyUrl' => '',
    'transactionId' => $transactionId,
    'description' => 'Mandatory description',
    // 'items' => $items,
    // 'cardReference' => '{4E50F334-9D42-9946-2B0B-ED70B2421D48}',
    // 'surchargeXml' => $surchargeXml,
    // 'token' => $token,
    // 'cardReference' => $cardReference,
    // 'useAuthenticate' => true,

If `useAuthenticate` is set, then the `authorize` will use the `AUTHENTICATE`/`AUTHORISE`
method of reserving the transaction details.
If `useAuthenticate` is not set (the default) then the `DEFERRED`/`RELEASE`
method of reserving the transaction details will be used.
The same method must be used when capturing the transaction.

// Create storage for this transaction now, indexed by the transaction ID.
// We will need to access it in the notification handler.
// The reference given by `$response->getTransactionReference()` must be stored.

// Now decide what to do next, based on the response.

if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
    // The transaction is complete and successful and no further action is needed.
    // This may happen if a cardReference has been supplied, having captured
    // the card reference with a CVV and using it for the first time. The CVV will
    // only be kept by the gateway for this first authorization. This also assumes
    // 3D Secure is turned off.
} elseif ($response->isRedirect()) {
    // Redirect to offsite payment gateway to capture the users credit card
    // details.
    // If a cardReference was provided, then only the CVV will be asked for.
    // 3D Secure will be performed here too, if enabled.
    // Once the user is redirected to the gateway, the results will be POSTed
    // to the [notification handler](#sage-pay-server-notification-handler).
    // The handler will then inform the gateway where to finally return the user
    // to on the merchant site.

} else {
    // Something went wrong; get the message.
    // The error may be a simple validation error on the address details.
    // Catch those and allow the user to correct the details and submit again.
    // This is a particular pain point of Sage Pay Server.
    $reason = $response->getMessage();

// The transaction ID is used to store the result in the notify callback.
// Create storage for this transaction now, indexed by the transaction ID.
$transactionId = {create a unique transaction id};

$request = $gateway->createCard([
    'currency' => 'GBP',
    'notifyUrl' => {notify callback URL},
    'transactionId' => $transactionId,
    'iframe' => true, // TRUE if the offsite form is to go into an iframe

$response = $request->send();

if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
    // Should never happen for Sage Pay Server, since the user will always
    // be asked to go off-site to enter their credit card details.
} elseif ($response->isRedirect()) {
    // Redirect to offsite payment gateway to capture the users credit card
    // details. Note that no address details are needed, nor are they captured.

    // Here add the $response->getTransactionReference() to the stored transaction,
    // as the notification handler will need it for checking the signature of the
    // notification it receives.

} else {
    $reason = $response->getMessage();

// The Server response will be a redirect to the Sage Pay CC form.
// This is a Sage Pay Server Purchase request.

$transactionId = {create a unique transaction id};

$items = [
        'name' => 'My Product Name',
        'description' => 'My Product Description',
        'quantity' => 1,
        'price' => 9.99,

$response = $gateway->purchase([
    'amount' => 9.99,
    'currency' => 'GBP',
    // Just the name and address, NOT CC details.
    'card' => $card,
    // The route to your application's notification handler.
    'notifyUrl' => '',
    'transactionId' => $transactionId,
    'description' => 'test',
    'items' => $items,

// Before redirecting, save `$response->getSecurityKey()` in the database,
// retrievable by `$transactionId`.

if ($response->isRedirect()) {
    // Go to Sage Pay to enter CC details.
    // While your user is there, the notification handler will be called
    // to accept the result and provide the final URL for the user.


$gateway = Omnipay\Omnipay::create('SagePay_Server');
$gateway->setTestMode(true); // To access your test account.
$notifyRequest = $gateway->acceptNotification();

// Use this transaction ID to look up the `$securityKey` you saved:

$transactionId = $notifyRequest->getTransactionId();
$transaction = customFetchMyTransaction($transactionId); // Local storage
$securityKey = $transaction->getSecurityKey(); // From your local storage

// Alternatively, if you did not save the `securityKey` as a distinct field,
// then use the `transactionReference` you saved.
// The `transactionReference` for this driver will be a compound JSON string
// with the `securityKey` as an integral part of it, so the driver can use it
// directly.

$transactionReference = $transaction->getTransactionReference(); // From your local storage

// or

if (! $notifyRequest->isValid()) {
    // Respond to Sage Pay indicating we are not accepting anything about this message.
    // You might want to log `$request->getData()` first, for later analysis.

    $notifyRequest->invalid($nextUrl, 'Signature not valid - goodbye');

$notifyRequest->error($nextUrl, 'This transaction does not exist on the system');

// All raw data - just log it for later analysis:


// Save the final transactionReference against the transaction in the database. It will
// be needed if you want to capture the payment (for an authorize) or void or refund or
// repeat the payment later.

$finalTransactionReference = $notifyRequest->getTransactionReference();

// The payment or authorization result:
// Result is $notifyRequest::STATUS_COMPLETED, $notifyRequest::STATUS_PENDING
// or $notifyRequest::STATUS_FAILED


// If you want more detail, look at the raw data. An error message may be found in:


// The transaction may be the result of a `createCard()` request.
// The cardReference can be found like this:

if ($notifyRequest->getTxType() === $notifyRequest::TXTYPE_TOKEN) {
    $cardReference = $notifyRequest->getCardReference();

// Now let Sage Pay know you have accepted and saved the result:


// or

$bodyPayload = getResponseBody($status, $nextUrl, $detail = null);

$gateway = OmniPay::create('SagePay\Form')->initialize([
    'vendor' => 'vendorname',
    'testMode' => true,
    'encryptionKey' => 'abcdef1212345678',

$response = $gateway->authorize([
    ...all the normal details...
    'returnUrl' => '',
    'failureUrl' => '',

// The result will be read and decrypted from the return URL (or failure URL)
// query parameters.
// You MUST provide the original expected transactionId, which is validated
// against the transactionId provided in the server request.
// This prevents different payments getting mixed up.

$completeRequest = $gateway->completeAuthorize(['transactionId' => $originalTransactionId]);
$result = $completeRequest->send();

// etc.

// repeatAuthorize() or repeatPurchase()

$repeatRequest = $gateway->repeatAuthorize([
    'transactionReference' => $originalTransactionReference,
    // or
    'securityKey' => $originalSecurityKey,
    'txAuthNo' => $originalTxAuthNo,
    'vpsTxId' => $originalVPSTxId(),
    'relatedTransactionId' => $originalTransactionId,
    'amount' => '99.99',
    'transactionId' => $newTransactionId.'C',
    'currency' => 'GBP',
    'description' => 'Buy it again, Sam',

$repeatResponse = $repeatRequest->send();

// Treat $repeatResponse like any new authorization or purchase response.

$captureRequest = $gateway->capture([
    // authenticate is not set
    'useAuthenticate' => false,
    // Provide either the original transactionReference:
    'transactionReference' => $deferredTransactionReference,
    // Or the individual items:
    'securityKey' => $savedSecurityKey(),
    'txAuthNo' => $savedTxAuthNo(),
    'vpsTxId' => $savedVPSTxId(),
    'relatedTransactionId' => $savedTransactionId,
    // Up to the original amount, one chance only.
    'amount' => '99.99',

$captureRequest = $gateway->capture([
    // authenticate is set
    'useAuthenticate' => true,
    // Provide either the original transactionReference:
    'transactionReference' => $deferredTransactionReference,
    // Or the individual items:
    'securityKey' => $savedSecurityKey(),
    'txAuthNo' => $savedTxAuthNo(),
    'vpsTxId' => $savedVPSTxId(),
    'relatedTransactionId' => $savedTransactionId,
    // Up to 115% of the original amount, in as many chunks as you like.
    'amount' => '9.99',
    // The capture becomes a transaction in its own right.
    'transactionId' => $newTransactionId,
    'currency' => 'GBP',
    'description' => 'Take staged payment number 1',

$captureResponse = $captureRequest->send();

if ($captureResponse->isSuccessful()) {
    // The capture was successful.
    // There will never be a redirect here.

use Omnipay\Omnipay;
use Omnipay\CreditCard;

$gateway = OmniPay::create('SagePay\Direct');
// or
$gateway = OmniPay::create('SagePay\Server');

$gateway->setTestMode(true); // For test account

// Send the request.

$request = $gateway->deleteCard([
    'cardReference' => $cardReference,

$response = $request->send();

// There will be no need for any redirect (e.g. 3D Secure), since no
// authorization is being done.

if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
    $message = $response->getMessage();
    // "2017 : Token removed successfully."

$items = [
    [new \Omnipay\SagePay\Extend\Item([
        'name' => 'My Product Name',
        'description' => 'My Product Description',
        'quantity' => 1,
        'price' => 9.99,
        'vat' => 1.665, // VAT amount, not percentage