PHP code example of omnicode / lara-validation

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download omnicode/lara-validation library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


omnicode / lara-validation example snippets

namespace App\Validators;

use LaraValidation\LaraValidator;

class PostValidator extends LaraValidator
     * @return \LaraValidation\CoreValidator
    public function validationDefault()

// .. - your namespace

use App\Validators\PostValidator;

// ... controller, service or other class

protected $postValidator;

public function __construct(PostValidator $postValidator)
	$this->postValidator = $postValidator;

public function someMethod()
	// $data -> the data, that should be validated - as an array
	//        can be taken from request by $request->all()
	//        or can be a custom-created as below

	$data = [
	  'title' => 'some title',
	  'content' => 'Some content for post'
	if ($this->postValidator->isValid($data)) {
		// validated
	} else {
		// not validated

public function validationDefault()

// the rule will be applied only if the callable method returns true
$this->validator->s_company']) ? true : false;

$this->validator->add('date_of_birth', 'date')

$this->validator->add('some_field', [
	'rule' => function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator){
		// logic goes here
		// return true to apply the validation or false otherwise
], __('Some optional validation message'));

public function minLength($name, $length, $message = '', $when = null)

public function maxLength($name, $length, $message = '', $when = null)

public function numeric($name, $message = '', $when = null)

public function unique($name, $params = [], $message = '', $when = null)

$this->validator->unique('email', 'users', __('Email already exists. Please restore your password'));

namespace App\Http\Requests;

use App\Validators\PostValidator;

class PostRequest
     * @var PostValidator
    protected $postValidator;

     * @param PostValidator $postValidator
    public function __construct(PostValidator $postValidator)
        $this->rules = $postValidator->validationDefault()->rules();
        $this->messages = $postValidator->validationDefault()->messages();
