PHP code example of omlet / smartcoop-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download omlet/smartcoop-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


omlet / smartcoop-sdk example snippets

$dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__);
$token = $_ENV['API_TOKEN'];
if (!$token) {
    throw new Exception('token environment variable is not set.');

$omlet = \Omlet\SmartCoop\Omlet::create($token);

$devices = $omlet->getDevices();
foreach ($devices as $device) {
    // a list of your devices

// a single device
$device = $omlet->getDeviceById('123456');

$group = $omlet->createGroup("New Group name");

$groups = $omlet->getGroups();
foreach ($groups as $$group) {
    // a list of your groups

// a single group
$group = $omlet->getGroupById('groupID')

$user = $omlet->getUser();

$deviceHandler = $omlet->getDeviceById('123456');


$configuration = $deviceHandler->getData()->getConfiguration()->copy();

$configuration = $deviceHandler->getData()->getConfiguration()->copy();
$doorConfiguration = $configuration->getDoor();


$groupHandler->updateGroupName("New Name");


// invite a user with User access
$groupHandler->inviteUser("[email protected]", Acccess::USER);

// invite a user with Admin access
$groupHandler->inviteUser("[email protected]", Acccess::ADMIN);

$groupHandler->removeUser("[email protected]");

$groupHandler->updateUserAccess("[email protected]", Acccess::ADMIN);

$invites = $userHandler->getData()->getInvites();

// invites is an array containing GroupSubset objects. Pass one of these
// to acceptInvite


$invites = $userHandler->getData()->getInvites();

// invites is an array containing GroupSubset objects. Pass one of these
// to rejectInvite
