PHP code example of omisai / php-continents

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download omisai/php-continents library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


omisai / php-continents example snippets

 * Access through the Collection
 * Consider using the Collection class, if you
 * plan to register it to a service container.
 * It eagerly loads all the continents.
use Omisai\Continents\Collection;

$collection = new Collection();
$continents = $collection->getContinents();

 * Shorthand to use the default english locale
$continents[0]->name; // "Asia"

 * Or using different locale
$continents[0]->getName('fr'); // "Asie"

 * Search for continent based on alpha-2 code
$collection->getContinentByCode('OC'); // Omisai\Continents\Models\Oceania

 * Search for continent based on UN M.49 numeric code
$collection->getContinentByNumeric('010'); // Omisai\Continents\Models\Antarctica

 * Use any continent directly
use Omisai\Continents\Models\Europe;

$europe = new Europe();
$europe->numeric; // "150"
$europe->code; // "EU"
