PHP code example of omelya / phpgeo

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download omelya/phpgeo library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


omelya / phpgeo example snippets

use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Distance\Vincenty;

$coordinate1 = new Coordinate(19.820664, -155.468066); // Mauna Kea Summit
$coordinate2 = new Coordinate(20.709722, -156.253333); // Haleakala Summit

$calculator = new Vincenty();

echo $calculator->getDistance($coordinate1, $coordinate2); // returns 128130.850 (meters; ≈128 kilometers)

use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Distance\Vincenty;

$coordinate1 = new Coordinate(19.820664, -155.468066); // Mauna Kea Summit
$coordinate2 = new Coordinate(20.709722, -156.253333); // Haleakala Summit

echo $coordinate1->getDistance($coordinate2, new Vincenty()); // returns 128130.850 (meters; ≈128 kilometers)

use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Polyline;
use Location\Distance\Vincenty;

$polyline = new Polyline();
$polyline->addPoint(new Coordinate(10.0, 10.0));
$polyline->addPoint(new Coordinate(20.0, 20.0));
$polyline->addPoint(new Coordinate(30.0, 10.0));

$processor = new Simplify($polyline);

// remove all points which perpendicular distance is less
// than 1500 km from the surrounding points.
$simplified = $processor->simplify(1500000);

// simplified is the polyline without the second point (which
// perpendicular distance is ~1046 km and therefore below
// the simplification threshold)

use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Polygon;

$geofence = new Polygon();

$geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.085870,-77.016261));
$geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.086373,-77.033813));
$geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.102823,-77.030938));
$geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.098669,-77.006476));

$outsidePoint = new Coordinate(-12.075452, -76.985079);
$insidePoint = new Coordinate(-12.092542, -77.021540);

var_dump($geofence->contains($outsidePoint)); // returns bool(false) the point is outside the polygon
var_dump($geofence->contains($insidePoint)); // returns bool(true) the point is inside the polygon

use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Formatter\Coordinate\DecimalDegrees;

$coordinate = new Coordinate(19.820664, -155.468066); // Mauna Kea Summit

echo $coordinate->format(new DecimalDegrees());

use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Formatter\Coordinate\DMS;

$coordinate = new Coordinate(18.911306, -155.678268); // South Point, HI, USA

$formatter = new DMS();

echo $coordinate->format($formatter); // 18° 54′ 41″ -155° 40′ 42″

$formatter->setSeparator(", ")

echo $coordinate->format($formatter); // 18° 54' 41" N, 155° 40' 42" W

use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Formatter\Coordinate\GeoJSON;

$coordinate = new Coordinate(18.911306, -155.678268); // South Point, HI, USA

echo $coordinate->format(new GeoJSON()); // { "type" : "point" , "coordinates" : [ -155.678268, 18.911306 ] }