1. Go to this page and download the library: Download omaralalwi/gpdf library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
omaralalwi / gpdf example snippets
use Omaralalwi\Gpdf\Facade\Gpdf as GpdfFacade;
public function generatePdf()
$html = view('pdf.example-1')->render();
$pdfContent = GpdfFacade::generate($html);
return response($pdfContent, 200, ['Content-Type' => 'application/pdf']);
use Omaralalwi\Gpdf\Gpdf;
public function generateSecondWayPdf(Gpdf $gpdf)
$html = view('pdf.example-2')->render();
$pdfFile = $gpdf->generate($html);
return response($pdfFile, 200, ['Content-Type' => 'application/pdf']);
// by default it store files to local driver (path should in public path).
public function generateAndStream()
$html = view('pdf.example-2')->render();
$gpdf = app(Gpdf::class);
$gpdf->generateWithStream($html, 'test-streamed-pdf', true);
return response(null, 200, ['Content-Type' => 'application/pdf']);
public function generateAndStore()
$html = view('pdf.example-2')->render();
$gpdf = app(Gpdf::class);
$storePath = storage_path('app/downloads/users/');
$gpdf->generateWithStore($html, $storePath, 'test-stored-pdf-file', true, false); // ssl verify should be true in production .
return $file['ObjectURL']; // return file url as string , to store in db or do any action
// may be you will face problems with stream in local, so you can disable ssl verify in local, but should enable it in production.
public function generateAndStoreToS3()
$data = $this->getDynamicParams();
$html = view('pdf.example-2',$data)->render();
$gpdf = app(Gpdf::class);
$bucketName = 'your_s3_bucket_name'; // should be read abel and write able .
$file = $gpdf->generateWithStoreToS3($html, $bucketName, 'test-store-pdf-fle', true, true); // with s36 the ssl verify will work in local or production (always secure).
return $file['ObjectURL']; // return file url as string , to store in db or do any action
use Omaralalwi\Gpdf\Gpdf;
use Omaralalwi\Gpdf\GpdfConfig;
$htmlFile = __DIR__ . '/contents/example-1.html';
$content = file_get_contents($htmlFile);
$gpdfConfigFile = t;
use Omaralalwi\Gpdf\Gpdf;
use Omaralalwi\Gpdf\GpdfConfig;
$htmlFile = __DIR__ . '/contents/example-1.html';
$content = file_get_contents($htmlFile);
$gpdfConfigFile = pplication/pdf');
echo $pdfContent;
use Omaralalwi\Gpdf\GpdfConfig;
use Omaralalwi\Gpdf\Enums\{GpdfDefaultSettings, GpdfSettingKeys, GpdfDefaultSupportedFonts};
$htmlFile = __DIR__ . '/contents/example-1.html';
$content = file_get_contents($htmlFile);
$gpdfConfigFile = file url as string to store it in db or do any action
use Omaralalwi\Gpdf\GpdfConfig;
use Omaralalwi\Gpdf\Enums\{GpdfDefaultSettings, GpdfSettingKeys, GpdfDefaultSupportedFonts};
$htmlFile = __DIR__ . '/contents/example-1.html';
$content = file_get_contents($htmlFile);
$gpdfConfigFile =