PHP code example of oliver-schoendorn / dependency-injector

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download oliver-schoendorn/dependency-injector library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


oliver-schoendorn / dependency-injector example snippets

 * Class FakeController
 * This is a mock controller to show case the most common dependency injection use case
class FakeController
     * @var FakeEntityRepository 
    private $entityRepository;
    public function __construct(FakeEntityRepository $entityRepository)
        $this->entityRepository = $entityRepository;
    public function get(int $entityId)
        $entity = $this->entityRepository->findById($entityId);
        return $entity->toJSON();

// Somewhere in your bootstrap or dispatching process 
use OS\DependencyInjector\DependencyInjector;
use OS\DependencyInjector\ReflectionHandler;

$reflectionHandler = new ReflectionHandler();
$dependencyInjector = new DependencyInjector($reflectionHandler);

// This is just a mock and will likely be generated by your application / framework
$fakeRequestPayload = [ 'entityId' => 123 ];
$fakeRouteHandler   = [ FakeController::class, 'get' ];

function dispatchRequest(
    string $routeControllerClassId,
    string $routeControllerMethod,
    array $requestPayload
) use ($dependencyInjector) {
    // The dependency injector (DI) will create an instance of the given controller class id
    // In this specific example, the DI will attempt to autoload the FakeEntityRepository and inject it into the
    // controller constructor. 
    $controllerInstance = $dependencyInjector->resolve($routeControllerClassId);
    // After creating the controller instance, the $routeControllerMethod on the $controllerInstance will be called.
    // The DI will apply the necessary parameters, as long as they are present in the $requestPayload array or if it
    // can be autowired (for example if the get method 

use OS\DependencyInjector\DependencyInjector;
use OS\DependencyInjector\ReflectionHandler;

interface DatabaseConnection { /* ... */ }
class PdoDatabaseConnection implements DatabaseConnection
    public function __construct(string $dsn, string $username, string $password, array $options = []) { /* ... */ }
    /* ... */

$di = new DependencyInjector(new ReflectionHandler());

// This line will tell the DI to substitute requests to
// DatabaseConnection::class with instances of PdoDatabaseConnection::class
$di->alias(DatabaseConnection::class, PdoDatabaseConnection::class);

// Next we will create an instance of the PdoDatabaseConnection::class
$di->share(new PdoDatabaseConnection('mysql:...', 'username', 'password', []));

// Now, when every the DI is asked for an instance of DatabaseConnection::class or PdoDatabaseConnection::class, it
// will return the same instance as defined above
$pdoDatabaseConnection = $di->resolve(DatabaseConnection::class);

use OS\DependencyInjector\DependencyInjector;
use OS\DependencyInjector\ReflectionHandler;

$di = new DependencyInjector(new ReflectionHandler());

// Prepare the two different database connection wrappers
$di->share(new PdoDatabaseConnection('mysql:...', 'username1', 'password1', []), 'mysql_read');
$di->share(new PdoDatabaseConnection('mysql:...', 'username2', 'password2', []), 'mysql_write');

// Getting the different connection wrappers
$readConnection = $di->resolve('mysql_read');
$writeConnection = $di->resolve('mysql_write');

use OS\DependencyInjector\DependencyInjector;
use OS\DependencyInjector\ReflectionHandler;

$di = new DependencyInjector(new ReflectionHandler());

interface DatabaseReadConnection extends DatabaseConnection {}
interface DatabaseWriteConnection extends DatabaseConnection {}

// Prepare the two different database connection wrappers
$di->share(new PdoDatabaseConnection('mysql:...', 'username1', 'password1', []), DatabaseReadConnection::class);
$di->share(new PdoDatabaseConnection('mysql:...', 'username2', 'password2', []), DatabaseWriteConnection::class);

// Getting the different connection wrappers
$readConnection  = $di->resolve(DatabaseReadConnection::class);
$writeConnection = $di->invoke(function (DatabaseWriteConnection $connection) {
    /* ... */

use OS\DependencyInjector\DependencyInjector;
use OS\DependencyInjector\ReflectionHandler;

$di = new DependencyInjector(new ReflectionHandler());

class ComplexClass
    public function __constructor(array $config, string $foo) { /* ... */ }

$di->configure(ComplexClass::class, [ 'config' => [ 'fancy' => 'variables' ] ]);

use OS\DependencyInjector\DependencyInjector;
use OS\DependencyInjector\ReflectionHandler;
use OS\DependencyInjector\Test\_support\Helper\TestClass01;

$reflectionHandler = new ReflectionHandler();
$dependencyInjector = new DependencyInjector($reflectionHandler);

// Basic class resolving (+ passing an argument)
$instance = $dependencyInjector->resolve(TestClass01::class, [ 'optional' => 'some value']);
assert($instance->constructorArgument === 'some value');

// Resolve dependencies
class SomeClassWithDependencies
    public $someOtherClass;
    public function __construct(SomeOtherClass $someOtherClass) {
        $this->someOtherClass = $someOtherClass;

class SomeOtherClass

$instance = $dependencyInjector->resolve(SomeClassWithDependencies::class);
assert($instance->someOtherClass instanceof SomeOtherClass);

// Alias
$dependencyInjector->alias(SomeOtherClass::class, SomeClassWithDependencies::class);
$instance = $dependencyInjector->resolve(SomeClassWithDependencies::class);
assert($instance instanceof SomeOtherClass);

// Configure
class YetAnotherClass extends SomeOtherClass

$dependencyInjector->configure(SomeClassWithDependencies::class, [ ':someOtherClass' => YetAnotherClass::class ]);
$instance = $dependencyInjector->resolve(SomeClassWithDependencies::class);
assert($instance->someOtherClass instanceof YetAnotherClass);

// Delegate
class ClassWithSetters
    public $logger;
    public function setLogger(Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger)
        $this->logger = $logger;

// -> the parameters of the delegate method will get resolved by the dependency injector
$delegate = function(Monolog\Logger $logger): SomeClassWithDependencies
    $instance = new ClassWithSetters();
    return $instance;

$dependencyInjector->delegate(ClassWithSetters::class, $delegate);
$instance = $dependencyInjector->resolve(ClassWithSetters::class);
assert($instance->logger instanceof Monolog\Logger);