PHP code example of olegf13 / jivochat-webhooks-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download olegf13/jivochat-webhooks-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


olegf13 / jivochat-webhooks-api example snippets

use Olegf13\Jivochat\Webhooks\Log\MySQLLog;
use Olegf13\Jivochat\Webhooks\Event\Event;

// create MySQL logger
$dbLogger = new MySQLLog(new PDO('mysql:dbname=test;host=', 'root', 'root'));

// create Callback API event listener
$listener = new Olegf13\Jivochat\Webhooks\EventListener([$dbLogger]);

// bind listener for `chat_accepted` event
$listener->on(Event::EVENT_CHAT_ACCEPTED, function (Olegf13\Jivochat\Webhooks\Event\ChatAccepted $event) {
    // here you do your stuff - find user in your database, etc
    $user = User::getByEmail($event->visitor->email);
    // generate response on Callback API
    $response = new Olegf13\Jivochat\Webhooks\Response();
    // event handler must return Response object
    return $response;

// bind listener for `chat_accepted` event
$listener->on(Event::EVENT_CHAT_FINISHED, function (Olegf13\Jivochat\Webhooks\Event\ChatFinished $event) {
    /** @var int Timestamp of the chat's first message. */
    $chatBeginAt = $event->chat->messages[0]->timestamp;
    // ...
    return new Olegf13\Jivochat\Webhooks\Response();

// execute event listener