PHP code example of okipa / laravel-table

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download okipa/laravel-table library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


okipa / laravel-table example snippets

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Column;
use Okipe\LaravelTable\Formatters\Date;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()->model(User::class);

    protected function columns(): array
        return [
                ->format(new DateFormatter('d/m/Y H:i', 'Europe/Paris'))
                ->format(new DateFormatter('d/m/Y H:i', 'Europe/Paris'))

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    // You will now be able to use the provided `$this->categoryId` category ID in your table configuration.
    public int $categoryId;

    // ...

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()->model(User::class);

// `data-selector` HTML attribute will be appended to all tables HTML select components.
'html_select_components_attributes' => ['data-selector' => true],

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()
            ->query(fn(Builder $query) => $query->where('category_id', 1));

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()
            // Table will display 5 rows on initialization and will allow displaying 10, 15, 20 or 25 rows.
            ->numberOfRowsPerPageOptions([5, 10, 15, 20, 25]);

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()
            ->rowClass(fn(User $user) => [
                'table-danger' => ! $user->active,

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Filters\NullFilter;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Filters\ValueFilter;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Filters\BooleanFilter;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Filters\RelationshipFilter;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()
                new ValueFilter('Email', 'email', User::pluck('email', 'email')->toArray()),
                new RelationshipFilter('Categories', 'categories', UserCategory::pluck('name', 'id')->toArray()),
                new NullFilter('Email Verified', 'email_verified_at'),
                new BooleanFilter('Active', 'active'),

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use App\Tables\Filters\MyNewFilter;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()
                new MyNewFilter(),

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\HeadActions\AddHeadAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()
            // Create head action will not be available when authenticated user is not allowed to create users
            ->headAction((new AddHeadAction(route('user.create')))->when(Auth::user()->cannot('create_users')));

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use App\Tables\HeadActions\MyNewHeadAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()
            ->headAction(new MyNewHeadAction());

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\BulkActions\DestroyBulkAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\BulkActions\ActivateBulkAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\BulkActions\DeactivateBulkAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\BulkActions\VerifyEmailBulkAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\BulkActions\CancelEmailVerificationBulkAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()
            ->bulkActions(fn(User $user) => [
                new VerifyEmailBulkAction('email_verified_at'),
                new CancelEmailVerificationBulkAction('email_verified_at'),
                new ActivateBulkAction('active'),
                new DeactivateBulkAction('active'),
                (new DestroyBulkAction())
                    // Destroy action will not be available for authenticated user
                    // Override the action default confirmation question
                    // Or set `false` if you do not want to 

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use App\Tables\BulkActions\MyNewBulkAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()
            ->bulkActions(fn(User $user) => [
                new MyNewBulkAction(),

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\RowActions\EditRowAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\RowActions\ShowRowAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\RowActions\DestroyRowAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()
            ->rowActions(fn(User $user) => [
                new ShowRowAction(route('', $user)),
                new EditRowAction(route('user.edit', $user)),
                (new DestroyRowAction())
                    // Destroy action will not be available for authenticated user
                    // Override the action default confirmation question
                    // Or set `false` if you do not want to 

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use App\Tables\RowActions\MyNewRowAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()
            ->rowActions(fn(User $user) => [
                new MyNewRowAction(),

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Column;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()->model(User::class);
    protected function columns(): array
        return [
            // Column attribute set to `id`, column value set from `$user->id` and colum title set to `__('')`
            // Column attribute set to `name`, value set from `$user->name` and column title set to `Username`

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Column;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()->model(User::class);
    protected function columns(): array
        return [
            // Value set from `$user->id`
            // Value set from closure
                ->format(fn(User $user) => '<b> ' . $user->companies->implode('name', ', ') . '</b>'),

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Column;
use App\Tables\Formatters\NewFormatter;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()->model(User::class);
    protected function columns(): array
        return [
            Column::make('name')->format(new NewFormatter()),

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\ColumnActions\ToggleBooleanColumnAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\ColumnActions\ToggleBooleanColumnAction;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()->model(User::class);
    protected function columns(): array
        return [
                // ToggleBooleanColumnAction action will not trigger any feedback message
                ->action(fn(User $user) => (new ToggleBooleanColumnAction()->feedbackMessage(false))
                // ToggleBooleanColumnAction action will not be available for authenticated user
                ->action(fn(User $user) => (new ToggleBooleanColumnAction())->when(Auth::user()->isNot($user))),

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use App\Tables\ColumnActions\MyNewColumnAction;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()->model(User::class);

    protected function columns(): array
        return [
            Column::make('action')->action(fn() => new MyNewColumnAction()),

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()->model(User::class);
    protected function columns(): array
        return [
            // Column will not be searchable
            // Table will be searchable from `$user->name`

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()->model(User::class);
    protected function columns(): array
        return [
            // Column will not be searchable
            // Column will be searchable using this closure
                // ... Your custom formatting here
                ->searchable(fn(Builder $query, string $searchBy) => $query->whereRelation(
                    '%' . $searchBy . '%'

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()->model(User::class);
    protected function columns(): array
        return [
            // Column will not be sortable
            // Column will be sortable from `$user->name`

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()->model(User::class);
    protected function columns(): array
        return [
            // Column will not be sortable
            // Column will be sorted descending by default on `$user->name`

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()->model(User::class);
    protected function columns(): array
        return [
            // Column will not be sortable
            // Column will be sortable from this closure
                // Custom formatting...
                ->sortable(fn(Builder $query, string $sortDir) => $query
                    ->orderBy('companies_count', $sortDir)),

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()
            // A new column will display the drag-and-drop icon, followed by the `position` attribute value
            // Rows will be sorted from the `position` model attribute and all other columns sorting will be disable

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Column;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Result;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()->model(User::class);
    protected function columns(): array
        return [
    protected function results(): array
        return [
            // This result uses the first $totalRowsQuery closure param to compute its value.
            // In this example, all users contained in database with unverified email will be count.
                ->title('Total of users with unverified email')
                ->format(static fn(Builder $totalRowsQuery) => $totalRowsQuery
            // This result uses the second $displayedRowsCollection closure param to compute its value.
            // In this example, all displayed inactive users will be count.
                ->title('Displayed inactive users')
                ->format(static fn(
                    Builder $totalRowsQuery,
                    Collection $displayedRowsCollection
                ) => $displayedRowsCollection->where('active', false)->count()),

namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Table;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Okipa\LaravelTable\Abstracts\AbstractTableConfiguration;

class UsersTable extends AbstractTableConfiguration
    protected function table(): Table
        return Table::make()
            // This event will be loaded each time your table will be rendered
            // in order to keep your UI third party libraries rendering,
            // even when its HTML is refreshed.
            ->emitEventsOnLoad(['js:selector:init' => ['some', 'params']]);
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-table:views