PHP code example of ohmy / auth

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ohmy/auth library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ohmy / auth example snippets

use ohmy\Auth1;
     ->set('key', 'key')
     ->set('secret', 'secret')
     ->then(function($data) {
         # got data

use ohmy\Auth1;

# do 2-legged oauth
$termie = Auth1::legs(2)
               # configuration
               ->set('key', 'key')
               ->set('secret', 'secret')
               # oauth flow

# api call
       ->then(function($data) {
           # got data

use ohmy\Auth1;

# do 3-legged oauth
$tumblr = Auth1::legs(3)
               # configuration
                    'consumer_key'    => 'your_consumer_key',
                    'consumer_secret' => 'your_consumer_secret',
                    'callback'        => 'your_callback_url'
               # oauth flow

# access tumblr api      
       ->then(function($data) {
           # got user data

use ohmy\Auth2;

# do 3-legged oauth
$github = Auth2::legs(3)
               # configuration
                    'id'       => 'your_github_client_id',
                    'secret'   => 'your_github_client_secret',
                    'redirect' => 'your_redirect_uri'
               # oauth flow
               ->finally(function($data) use(&$access_token) {
                   $access_token = $data['access_token'];

# access github api
$github->GET("$access_token", null, array('User-Agent' => 'ohmy-auth'))
       ->then(function($data) {
           # got user data