PHP code example of oddler / solib

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download oddler/solib library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


oddler / solib example snippets

use Oddler\SOLib\core;
use function Oddler\SOLib\globalSOFactory AS SOFactory; core::init();

ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

ry AS SOFactory; core::init();

// Registry
echo '<h2>Registry</h2>';
$oRegistry = SOFactory('registry');
$oRegistry->add('key 1', 'val 1');
$oRegistry->add('key 2', 'val 2');
$oRegistry->add('key 3', 'val 3');
$oRegistry->add('key 4', 'val 4');
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre><hr/>';

// Array
echo '<h2>Array</h2>';
$oArray = SOFactory('array', array('a' => '31', 'b' => '32'));
echo '<pre>';
echo $oArray->add('c', 32);
echo '</pre><hr/>';

// String
echo '<h2>String</h2>';
$oString = SOFactory('string', 'строка 3');
echo $oString . '<br />';
echo $oString->toUpperCase()->replace(' 2', ' 10') . '<br />';
echo '<hr />';

// Даты
echo '<h2>Даты</h2>';
$oDateTools = SOFactory('dateTools');
echo $oDateTools->getNextWorkDate() . '<br />';
echo '<hr />';

// Iterator
echo '<h2>Iterator</h2>';
$oIterator = SOFactory('Iterator', array('31', '32', 33, 34));
echo '<pre>';
echo $oIterator->add(99);
echo '</pre>';
foreach ($oIterator as $key => $value) {
    echo '<b>key</b>: ' . $key . '; <b>value</b>: ' . $value . '<br />';
echo '<hr />';