PHP code example of oaklabs / psd2

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download oaklabs/psd2 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


oaklabs / psd2 example snippets

// Let's suppose we saved the state token in a $state variable,
// the random code in $code and we have a boolean $useSandbox variable

// First of all we need to create an Authorization instance

$authorization = new \OakLabs\Psd2\Authorization\Authorization([
    'code' => $code,
    'state' => $state,
    'redirect_uri' => 'the redirect_uri your set in your Bank API configuration,
    'client_id' => 'the client_id of the bank API,
    'client_secret' => 'the client secret of the bank API'

// Let's now instantiate the Bank Gateway through the Connector
$tokens = (new Connector($authorization))

// $tokens is now an instance of \League\OAuth2\Client\Token

$accessToken = $tokens->getToken();
$refreshToken = $tokens->getRefreshToken();
$expiration = $tokens->getExpires();
$hasExpired = $tokens->hasExpired();
$jsonSerialized = $tokens->jsonSerialize();

// After we got the Access Token and we saved it in a $tokens variable
// we can interact with the Bank API

// In case of a new request, create again the Authorization instance,
// but this time we don't need state and code

$authorization = new Authorization([
    'redirect_uri' => 'the redirect_uri your set in your Bank API configuration,
    'client_id' => 'the client_id of the bank API,
    'client_secret' => 'the client secret of the bank API'

$accounts = (new Connector($authorization))

// $accounts is an array of \OakLabs\Psd2\Psd\AccountDetail

foreach ($accounts as $account) {
    // $account->getAccountNumber()
    // $account->getBic()
    // $account->getBalance()
    // $account->getBalanceAvailable()
    // $account->getCreatedAt()
    // $account->getCurrency()
    // $account->getCustomers()
    // $account->getIban()
    // $account->getId()

// After we got the Access Token and we saved it in a $tokens variable
// we can interact with the Bank API

// In case of a new request, create again the Authorization instance,
// but this time we don't need state and code

$authorization = new Authorization([
    'redirect_uri' => 'the redirect_uri your set in your Bank API configuration,
    'client_id' => 'the client_id of the bank API,
    'client_secret' => 'the client secret of the bank API'

// Let's now retrieve the SEPA Transactions using the API Pagination

$transactions = (new Connector($authorization))
    ->getSepaTransactions($page, $limit);

// $transactions is an array of \OakLabs\Psd2\Transaction

foreach ($transactions as $transaction) {
    // $transaction->getExternalUid()
    // $transaction->getAccountUid()
    // $transaction->getTransactionUid()
    // $transaction->getAmount()
    // $transaction->getIban()
    // $transaction->getBic()
    // $transaction->getDescription()
    // $transaction->getCreatedAt()

// After we got the Access Token and we saved it in a $tokens variable
// we can interact with the Bank API

// In case of a new request, create again the Authorization instance,
// but this time we don't need state and code

$authorization = new Authorization([
    'redirect_uri' => 'the redirect_uri your set in your Bank API configuration,
    'client_id' => 'the client_id of the bank API,
    'client_secret' => 'the client secret of the bank API'

// Let's suppose we have a $data array with the transaction we want to create
$data = [
    'external_uid' => '1234567890', // Some uid defined by us
    'account_id' => '12345', // The account_id comes from the Bank API and must be retrieved through getAccountDetails . It is NOT the account number
    'amount' => 10, // Amount of the transfer
    'remote_iban' => 'DE0000000000000000', // IBAN to transfer the money to
    'bic' => 'ABCDEFGH', // BIC
    'subject' => 'My Description' // Description

$transaction = (new Connector($authorization))

// Transaction is an instance of \OakLabs\Psd2\Transaction

// $transaction->getExternalUid()
// $transaction->getAccountUid()
// $transaction->getTransactionUid()
// $transaction->getAmount()
// $transaction->getIban()
// $transaction->getBic()
// $transaction->getDescription()
// $transaction->getCreatedAt()