1. Go to this page and download the library: Download nzo/grabber-bundle library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
nzo / grabber-bundle example snippets
public function indexAction($url)
$tableOfUrls = $this->get('nzo_grabber.grabber')->grabUrls($url);
public function indexAction($url)
$tableOfUrls = $this->get('nzo_grabber.grabber')->grabUrlsNoRecursive($url);
public function indexAction($url)
$notScannedUrlsTab = ['http://www.exemple.com/about']
$tableOfUrls = $this->get('nzo_grabber.grabber')->grabUrls($url, $notScannedUrlsTab);
public function indexAction($url)
$exclude = 'someText_to_exclude';
$tableOfUrls = $this->get('nzo_grabber.grabber')->grabUrls($url, null, $exclude, array('png', 'pdf'));
public function indexAction($url)
$tableOfUrls = $this->get('nzo_grabber.grabber')->grabUrls($url, null, null, array('png', 'pdf'));
public function indexAction($url)
$img = $this->get('nzo_grabber.grabber')->grabImg($url);
public function indexAction($url)
$js = $this->get('nzo_grabber.grabber')->grabJs($url);
public function indexAction($url)
$css = $this->get('nzo_grabber.grabber')->grabCss($url);
public function indexAction($url)
$extrat = $this->get('nzo_grabber.grabber')->grabExtrat($url);
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new Nzo\GrabberBundle\NzoGrabberBundle(),
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