PHP code example of nordsoftware / paytrail-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download nordsoftware/paytrail-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


nordsoftware / paytrail-php example snippets

use Paytrail\Object\Address;
use Paytrail\Object\Contact;
use Paytrail\Object\Payment;
use Paytrail\Object\Product;
use Paytrail\Http\Client;

$urlSet = new UrlSet;
  'successUrl'      => '',
  'failureUrl'      => '',
  'notificationUrl' => '',

$address = new Address;
  'streetAddress'   => 'Test street 1',
  'postalCode'      => '12345',
  'postalOffice'    => 'Helsinki',
  'countryCode'     => 'FI',

$contact = new Contact;
  'firstName'       => 'Test',
  'lastName'        => 'Person',
  'email'           => '[email protected]',
  'phoneNumber'     => '040123456',
  'companyName'     => 'Demo Company Ltd',
  'address'         => $address,

$payment = new Payment;
  'orderNumber'     => 1,
  'urlSet'          => $urlSet,
  'contact'         => $contact,
  'locale'          => Payment::LOCALE_ENUS,

$product = new Product;
  'title'           => 'Test product',
  'code'            => '01234',
  'amount'          => 1.00,
  'price'           => 19.90,
  'vat'             => 23.00,
  'discount'        => 0.00,
  'type'            => Product::TYPE_NORMAL,


$client = new Client('13466', '6pKF4jkv97zmqBJ3ZL8gUw5DfT2NMQ');
try {
  $result = $client->processPayment($payment);
} catch (Exception $e) {
  die('Paytrail payment failed: ' . $e->getMessage());

header('Location: ' . $result->getUrl());

$client = new Client('13466', '6pKF4jkv97zmqBJ3ZL8gUw5DfT2NMQ');
if ($client->validateChecksum($_GET["RETURN_AUTHCODE"], $_GET["ORDER_NUMBER"], $_GET["TIMESTAMP"], $_GET["PAID"], $_GET["METHOD"])) {
    // Payment receipt is valid
    // If needed, the used payment method can be found from the variable $_GET["METHOD"]
    // and order number for the payment from the variable $_GET["ORDER_NUMBER"]
else {
    // Payment receipt was not valid, possible payment fraud attempt