PHP code example of noodlehaus / dispatch

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download noodlehaus/dispatch library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


noodlehaus / dispatch example snippets

function dispatch(...$args): void;
function route(string $method, string $path, callable ...$handlers): void;
function _404(callable $handler = null): callable;
function apply(...$args): void;
function bind(string $name, callable $transform): void;
function action(string $method, string $path, callable ...$handlers): array;
function response(string $body, int $code = 200, array $headers = []): callable;
function redirect(string $location, int $code = 302): callable;
function serve(array $routes, string $reqmethod, string $reqpath, ...$args): callable;
function phtml(string $path, array $vars = []): string;
function stash(string $key, mixed $value = null): mixed;

s is a named route parameter binding. If a requested URI has a
# :name parameter in the matching route (eg. /profiles/:user), the mapped
# callback gets executed, and the return value gets used as a replacement
# for the named parameter value.
bind('user', function (string $username, $db): array {
  $user = loadUserProfileByUsername($db, $username);
  return $user;

# Sample middleware that is applied to all routes. Note that
# the middleware function ();

# Sample middleware that gets applied to all routes, and also uses the
# stash() function to store values we'll need later.
apply(function ($next) {
  # stash is a function for storing values that can be accessed
  # anywhere in your handlers. values stored only lasts within the same
  # request context.
  stash('favicon.ico', file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/static/favicon.ico'));
  return $next();

# Sample middleware that gets applied to routes matching
# the regular expression argument.
apply('^/admin/', function ($next, $params, $db) {
  # note that because of the named parameter binding above, the
  # value of $params['user'] is already the loaded user profile
  if (!isAdmin($params['user'])) {
    return resource('Forbidden', 403);
  return $next();

# Replace default 404 handler
_404(fn() => response(phtml('not-found'), 404));

# Sample route that has a named parameter value. Named parameters gets
# passed to the handlers as the first argument as an associative array.
# Arguments that follow the named parameters array are values passed through
# dispatch(...).
route('GET', '/profiles/:user', function (array $params, $db) {

  # because of the named param binding for user, this will
  # contain the user profile loaded by the named param handler
  $user = $params['user'];

  # the $db argument was forwarded from the dispatch() call below
  $meta = loadUserMetadata($db, $user['username']);

  # phtml() is a function that loads a phtml file and populates it with
  # values from the passed in associative array.
  return response(phtml(__DIR__.'/templates/profile', ['user' => $user]));

# Sample route that has no named parameter so it doesn't receive the $params
# associative array. Only dispatch() arguments get forwarded to the handler.
route('GET', '/index', function ($db) {
  $users = loadTopUsers($db);
  return response(phtml(__DIR__.'/templates/index', ['users' => $users]));

# Sample route that has an inline middleware passed in. Note that the
# middleware function should still follow the middleware function signature.
  # inline middleware
  function ($next, $params, $db) {
    logDeviceAccess($db, $_SERVER);
    return $next();
  # this is the main handler
  function () {
    # stash is a request-scoped storage
    return response(stash('favicon.ico'));

# App routing entry point. All arguments passed to dispatch get forwarded to
# matching route handlers after the named params array.
$db = createDatabaseConnection();