PHP code example of noglitchyo / dealdoh

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download noglitchyo/dealdoh library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


noglitchyo / dealdoh example snippets

use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client as GuzzleClientAdapter;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Dns\Client\DnsCryptClient;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Dns\Client\DohClient;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Dns\Client\PlainDnsClient;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Dns\Resolver\DnsUpstreamPoolResolver;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Entity\DnsUpstreamPool;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Mapper\DnsCrypt\AuthenticatedEncryptionMapper;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Mapper\HttpResponseMapper;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Mapper\MessageMapper;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Middleware\DohResolverMiddleware;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Repository\DnsCrypt\CertificateRepository;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

$messageMapper = new MessageMapper();

// Initialize the DNS clients to use with the resolver
$dnsClients = [
    new DohClient(new GuzzleClientAdapter(new GuzzleClient()), $messageMapper),
    new PlainDnsClient($messageMapper),
    new DnsCryptClient(new AuthenticatedEncryptionMapper(), new CertificateRepository(), $messageMapper)

// Initialize the list of DNS upstreams to use to resolve the DNS queries
$dnsUpstreamPool = new DnsUpstreamPool([

// Initialize the DNS resolver with the list of upstreams and the list of clients able to exchange with the upstreams
$dnsResolver = new DnsUpstreamPoolResolver($dnsUpstreamPool, $dnsClients);

// Create the ResolverMiddleware with the created DnsResolver
$dohMiddleware = new DohResolverMiddleware($dnsResolver, $messageMapper, new HttpResponseMapper($messageMapper));

/** @var $response ResponseInterface */
$response = $dohMiddleware->forward(/* Expect a \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface object */);