PHP code example of nlgen / nlgen

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download nlgen/nlgen library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


nlgen / nlgen example snippets

use NLGen\Grammars\Availability\AvailabilityGenerator;

$gen = new AvailabilityGenerator();
$busyList = [
  [3, [16, 30], [17, 30] ],
  [6, [ 6, 55], [11, 41] ],
  [6, [14, 32], [22, 05] ]
$fullRanges = [];
foreach(range(0, 6) as $dow) {
 $fullRanges[$dow] = [ [6, 0], [24, 0] ];
echo $gen->generateAvailability($busyList, $fullRanges, AvailabilityGenerator::BASE, null);

class BasicGenerator extends Generator {

  var $agents = array('Juan','Pedro','The helpdesk operator');
  var $events = array('started','is','finished');
  var $actions = array('working on','coding','doing QA on');
  var $themes = array('Component ABC','Item 25','the delivery subsystem');

  protected function top($data){
      $this->person($data[0]). " " .
      $this->action($data[1], $data[2]). " " .

  protected function person($agt){ return $this->agents[$agt]; }
  protected function action($evt, $act){ return $this->events[$evt]." ".$this->actions[$act]; }
  protected function item($thm) { return $this->themes[$thm];  }

global $argv,$argc;
$gen = BasicGenerator::NewSealed();
print $gen->generate(array_splice($argv,1) /*,array("debug"=>1)*/)."\n";