PHP code example of nkm / redsys-virtual-pos

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download nkm/redsys-virtual-pos library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


nkm / redsys-virtual-pos example snippets

use Bahiazul\RedsysVirtualPos\Message\WebRequest;
use Bahiazul\RedsysVirtualPos\Field\Currency;
use Bahiazul\RedsysVirtualPos\Field\TransactionType;

$secret       = 'Mk9m98IfEblmPfrpsawt7BmxObt98Jev';
$merchantCode = '999008881';
$terminal     = '871';

// The Environment object holds connection details
$env = new Bahiazul\RedsysVirtualPos\Environment\DevelopmentEnvironment();

// Setup the Parameters for the Request
$params['Amount']             = '145'; // €1,45
$params['Order']              = strval(time());
$params['MerchantCode']       = $merchantCode;
$params['Currency']           = Currency::EUR;
$params['TransactionType']    = TransactionType::STANDARD;
$params['Terminal']           = $terminal;
$params['MerchantName']       = 'Test Store';                        // optional
$params['ProductDescription'] = 'Product Description';               // optional
$params['UrlOk']              = 'http://localhost:8000/success.php'; // optional
$params['UrlKo']              = 'http://localhost:8000/failure.php'; // optional

// Generate the Request
$webRequest = new WebRequest($env);

// Generate the form
$submitBtn = "<p><input type='submit' value='Submit'></p>";
$wrForm = $webRequest->getForm([], $submitBtn);

// Render the HTML form w/ Submit button
echo $wrForm;