PHP code example of njoguamos / laravel-jenga

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download njoguamos/laravel-jenga library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


njoguamos / laravel-jenga example snippets

// app/Console/Kernel.php
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
    # ...
    $schedule->command(command: 'jenga:auth')->everyThirtyMinutes();

// app/Console/Kernel.php

use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Models\JengaToken;
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
    # ...
     $schedule->command(command: 'model:prune', parameters: [
        '--model' => [JengaToken::class],

use NjoguAmos\Jenga\JengaSignature;

$data = [
    "accountId"   => "0011547896523",
    "countryCode" => "KE",
    "date"        => "2022-01-01"

$signature = (new JengaSignature(data: $data))->getSignature();
// This will return signature for "0011547896523KE2022-01-01'
// "NCgbapJwPIt+203eyADfPSvPX6uWPPVwMbFdrW+3XoT7oQC2+IaS6srFIGGdMrwrTH ..." 

use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Models\JengaToken;

return view(view: 'check-out', data: [
    'token' => JengaToken::query()->latest()->first()?->access_token, // Token generated via auth API
    'checkOutUrl' => config(key: 'jenga.checkout'), // Check our url. Don't modify
    'merchantCode' => config(key: 'jenga.merchant'), // The merchant code provided at registration.
    'wallet' => config(key: 'jenga.wallet'), // The wallet to be used for the transaction
    'orderAmount' => '', // The value of the transaction
    'orderReference' => '', // The merchant order reference. Min8 characters and It has to be alphanumeric
    'productType' => '', // Product category
    'productDescription' => '' // A brief summary of the product. Max 200 characters. Alphanumeric only., 
    'customerFirstName' => '', // The customer's First Name
    'customerLastName' => '', // The customer's Last Name
    'customerEmail' => '', // Customer email
    'customerPhone' => '', // Customer phone number e.g 700325008
    'countryCode' => config(key: ''), // Country code
    'customerPostalCodeZip' => '', // Customer’s postal code
    'customerAddress' => '', // Customer’s address
    'callbackUrl' => '' // Merchant callback url
    'extraData' => '', // This data will be echoed back during callback url

use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Api\AccountInquiry;

$search = (new AccountInquiry())
        countryCode: $data['countryCode'],
        accountNumber: $data['accountNumber']

use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Api\ForexExchangeRates;
use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Dto\ExchangeRatesDto;

// Convert 1042 USD into KES using Equity Bank Kenya rate.
$data = new ExchangeRatesDto(
    amount: 1042,
    currencyCode: "USD",
    toCurrency: "KES",
    accountNumber: '1450160649886',
    countryCode: 'KE'

$rates = (new ForexExchangeRates())->convert($data);

use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Api\IDVerification;
use NjoguAmos\Jenga\Dto\IDVerificationDto;

$data = new IDVerificationDto(
    documentNumber: '555555',
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    dateOfBirth: '20 June 1985',
    documentType: 'ID',
    countryCode: 'KE',

$search = (new IDVerification())->search($data);
php artisan jenga:install
php artisan migrate
php artisan jenga:auth
php artisan jenga:keys