PHP code example of niladam / laravel-visits

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download niladam/laravel-visits library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


niladam / laravel-visits example snippets

namespace App\Models;

use Niladam\LaravelVisits\Concerns\CanHaveVisits; // <--- add this to your model
use Niladam\LaravelVisits\Concerns\HasVisitsTrait; // <--- add this to your model

class Product extends Model implements CanHaveVisits // <--- add this to your model
    use HasVisitsTrait; // <-- add this to your model

use Niladam\LaravelVisits\Middleware\RecordVisitsMiddleware;

Route::get('/products/{product}', function (Product $product) {
    return view('', [
        'product' => $product,

$product = Product::latest()->first();


$url = '';


$product = Product::latest()->first();

    visitable: $product, 
    count: 1, // optional, defaults to 1
    referer: 'some-referer', // optional, defaults to null
    platform: 'desktop', // optional, defaults to null, and will be determined from the request
    ipAddress: '', // optional, defaults to null, and will be set as the request IP or ''
    async: true // optional, defaults to true. If set to false, the visit will be recorded synchronously
); // <-- This will dispatch a job to create the visit

$url = '';

    visitable: $url, 
    count: 4, 
    async: true
); // <-- This will dispatch a job to create 4 visits.

$product = Product::latest()->first();
$product->visits; // <-- returns a collection of visits

$product = Product::latest()->first();
$product->visits()->desktop()->get(); // <-- returns a collection of visits from desktop users
$product->visits()->phone()->get(); // <-- returns a collection of visits from phone users
$product->visits()->tablet()->get(); // <-- returns a collection of visits from tablet users
$product->visits()->robot()->get(); // <-- returns a collection of visits from robots
$product->visits()->other()->get(); // <-- returns a collection of visits from other platforms
$product->visits()->mobile()->get(); // <-- returns a collection of visits mobile (phone + tablet) users
$product->visits()->entities()->get(); // <-- returns a collection of visits to entities
$product->visits()->urls()->get(); // <-- returns a collection of visits to URLs

$product = Product::latest()->first();
$product->visits->first()->ip; // <-- returns the IP address as a string

return [
     * When saving the URLs to the database, it might make sense to remove
     * the current application URL from the logged URL.
    'remove_current_app_domain' => env('LARAVEL_VISITS_REMOVE_CURRENT_APP_DOMAIN', true),

     * When saving the URLs to the database, it might make sense to remove some strings
     * from it. You can define them here. These will be removed from the URL
     * that will be saved.
    'replace_in_urls' => [],

     * Overwrite these values to use your own models, jobs and middleware.
    'overwrites' => [
        'user_model' => '\App\Models\User',
        'model' => \Niladam\LaravelVisits\Models\Visit::class,
        'job' => \Niladam\LaravelVisits\Jobs\RecordVisitJob::class,
        'job_url' => \Niladam\LaravelVisits\Jobs\RecordVisitUrlJob::class,
        'middleware' => \Niladam\LaravelVisits\Middleware\RecordVisitsMiddleware::class,
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Niladam\LaravelVisits\LaravelVisitsServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Niladam\LaravelVisits\LaravelVisitsServiceProvider" --tag="config"
php artisan migrate --step