PHP code example of niladam / filament-auto-logout

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download niladam/filament-auto-logout library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


niladam / filament-auto-logout example snippets

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Filament\View\PanelsRenderHook;

return [
     * Disable or enable the plugin
    'enabled' => env('FILAMENT_AUTO_LOGOUT_ENABLED', true),

     * The duration in seconds your users can be idle before being logged out.
     * The duration needs to be specified in seconds.
     * A sensible default has been set to 15 minutes
    'duration_in_seconds' => env('FILAMENT_AUTO_LOGOUT_DURATION_IN_SECONDS', Carbon::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * 15),

     * A notification will be sent to the user before logging out.
     * This sets the seconds BEFORE sending out the notification.
    'warn_before_in_seconds' => env('FILAMENT_AUTO_LOGOUT_WARN_BEFORE_IN_SECONDS', 30),

     * The plugin comes with a small time left box which will display the time left
     * before the user will be logged out.
    'show_time_left' => env('FILAMENT_AUTO_LOGOUT_SHOW_TIME_LEFT', true),

     * What should the time left box display before the timer?
     * A default has been set to 'Time left:'
    'time_left_text' => env('FILAMENT_AUTO_LOGOUT_TIME_LEFT_TEXT', 'Time left:'),

     * Where should the badge be rendered?
     * @see for a list of supported hooks.
    'location' => env('FILAMENT_AUTO_LOGOUT_LOCATION', PanelsRenderHook::GLOBAL_SEARCH_BEFORE),


use Carbon\Carbon;
use Filament\Support\Colors\Color;
use Niladam\FilamentAutoLogout\AutoLogoutPlugin;

            ->color(Color::Emerald)                         // Set the color. Defaults to Zinc
            ->disableIf(fn () => auth()->id() === 1)        // Disable the user with ID 1
            ->logoutAfter(Carbon::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE * 5)   // Logout the user after 5 minutes
            ->withoutWarning()                              // Disable the warning before logging out
            ->withoutTimeLeft()                             // Disable the time left
            ->timeLeftText('Oh no. Kicking you in...')      // Change the time left text
            ->timeLeftText('')                              // Remove the time left text (displays only countdown)
php artisan filament-auto-logout:install
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-auto-logout-config"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-auto-logout-translations"