PHP code example of nicoaudy / noty

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download nicoaudy/noty library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


nicoaudy / noty example snippets

return [
    * Title configuration color
    'titleColor' => '',

    * Title configuration size
    'titleSize' => '',

    * Title configuration line hight
    'titleLineHeight' => '',

    * Message configuration color
    'messageColor' => '',

    * Message configuration size
    'messageSize' => '',

    * Message configuration line hight
    'messageLineHeight' => '',

     * Positions:  bottomRight, bottomLeft, topRight, topLeft, topCenter, bottomCenter, center
    'position' => 'topRight',

     * Themes:  light, dark
    'theme' => 'light',

     * Layout:  1 (title inline with message), 2 (title on top of message)
    'layout' => 1,

    * [integer|boolean] - Delay for closing event in milliseconds. Set false for sticky notifications.
    'timeout' => 4000,

     * [boolean] - Displays a progress bar.
    'progressBar' => true,

     * [string] - Progress bar color
    'progressBarColor' => 'rgb(0, 255, 184)',

     * [string] - Progress bar linear / ease
    'progressBarEasing' => 'linear',

     * [boolean] - Balloon
    'balloon' => true,

     * [boolean] - enable to close?
    'close' => true,

     * [boolean] - Close on click
    'closeOnClick' => false,

     * [boolean] - Close on escape?
    'closeOnEscape' => false,

     * Animate inside
    'animateInside' => true, // bool

     * Enable drag for close
    'drag' => true, // bool

     * Pause on hover
    'pauseOnHover' => true, // bool

     * Reset on hover
    'resetOnHover' => false, // bool

     * [string] - Transition In
     * Default toast open animation. It can be: bounceInLeft, bounceInRight, bounceInUp, bounceInDown, fadeIn, fadeInDown, fadeInUp, fadeInLeft, fadeInRight or flipInX.
    'transitionIn' => 'fadeInUp',

     * [string] - Transition Out
     * Default toast close animation. It can be: fadeOut, fadeOutUp, fadeOutDown, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutRight, flipOutX
    'transitionOut' => 'fadeOut',

     * [string] - Transition In Mobile
    'transitionInMobile' => 'fadeInUp',

     * [string] - Transition Out Mobile
    'transitionOutMobile' => 'fadeOutDown',

    {{ noty_assets() }}

public function store()
    noty()->flash('Cool', 'Your data has been saved');

    return home();

noty()->flash('Hey!', 'This is message');
noty()->info('Hey!', 'This is message');
noty()->success('Hey!', 'This is message');
noty()->warning('Hey!', 'This is message');
noty()->danger('Hey!', 'This is message');
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nicoaudy\Noty\NotyServiceProvider"