PHP code example of nicmart / tree

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download nicmart/tree library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


nicmart / tree example snippets

use Tree\Node\Node;

$node = new Node('foo');

$node->setValue('my value');
echo $node->getValue(); //Prints 'my value'

$child1 = new Node('child1');
$child2 = new Node('child2');



$children = $node->getChildren();

$node->setChildren([new Node('foo'), new Node('bar')]);




$root->addChild($node = new Node('child'));
$node->getParent(); // Returns $root

$root = (new Node('root'))
    ->addChild($child = new Node('child'))
    ->addChild($grandChild = new Node('grandchild'))

$grandchild->getAncestors(); // Returns [$root, $child]

$root = $node->root();

$root = (new Node('root'))
    ->addChild($child1 = new Node('child1'))
    ->addChild($child2 = new Node('child2'))
    ->addChild($child3 = new Node('child3'))

$child2->getNeighbors(); // Returns [$child1, $child3]




$builder = new Tree\Builder\NodeBuilder;


$nodeA = $builder->getNode();

use Tree\Visitor\YieldVisitor;

$visitor = new YieldVisitor;

$yield = $node->accept($visitor);
// $yield will contain nodes B, G, H, E, F

use Tree\Visitor\PreOrderVisitor;

$visitor = new PreOrderVisitor;

$yield = $node->accept($visitor);
// $yield will contain nodes A, B, C, D, G, H, E, F

use Tree\Visitor\PostOrderVisitor;

$visitor = new PostOrderVisitor;

$yield = $node->accept($visitor);
// $yield will contain nodes B, G, H, D, E, F, C, A