PHP code example of nickcernis / html-to-markdown

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download nickcernis/html-to-markdown library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


nickcernis / html-to-markdown example snippets

use League\HTMLToMarkdown\HtmlConverter;

$converter = new HtmlConverter();

$html = "<h3>Quick, to the Batpoles!</h3>";
$markdown = $converter->convert($html);

echo $markdown; // ==> ### Quick, to the Batpoles!

$converter = new HtmlConverter(array('strip_tags' => true));

$html = '<span>Turnips!</span>';
$markdown = $converter->convert($html); // $markdown now contains "Turnips!"

$converter = new HtmlConverter();
$converter->getConfig()->setOption('strip_tags', true);

$html = '<span>Turnips!</span>';
$markdown = $converter->convert($html); // $markdown now contains "Turnips!"

$converter = new HtmlConverter(array('remove_nodes' => 'span div'));

$html = '<span>Turnips!</span><div>Monkeys!</div>';
$markdown = $converter->convert($html); // $markdown now contains ""

$converter = new HtmlConverter(array('preserve_comments' => true));

$html = '<span>Turnips!</span><!-- Monkeys! -->';
$markdown = $converter->convert($html); // $markdown now contains "Turnips!<!-- Monkeys! -->"

$converter = new HtmlConverter(array('preserve_comments' => array('Eggs!')));

$html = '<span>Turnips!</span><!-- Monkeys! --><!-- Eggs! -->';
$markdown = $converter->convert($html); // $markdown now contains "Turnips!<!-- Eggs! -->"

$converter = new HtmlConverter(array('strip_placeholder_links' => true));

$html = '<a>Github</a>';
$markdown = $converter->convert($html); // $markdown now contains "Github"

$converter = new HtmlConverter();
$converter->getConfig()->setOption('italic_style', '*');
$converter->getConfig()->setOption('bold_style', '__');

$html = '<em>Italic</em> and a <strong>bold</strong>';
$markdown = $converter->convert($html); // $markdown now contains "*Italic* and a __bold__"

$converter = new HtmlConverter();
$html = '<p>test<br>line break</p>';

$converter->getConfig()->setOption('hard_break', true);
$markdown = $converter->convert($html); // $markdown now contains "test\nline break"

$converter->getConfig()->setOption('hard_break', false); // default
$markdown = $converter->convert($html); // $markdown now contains "test  \nline break"

$converter = new HtmlConverter();
$html = '<p><a href=""></a></p>';

$converter->getConfig()->setOption('use_autolinks', true);
$markdown = $converter->convert($html); // $markdown now contains "<>"

$converter->getConfig()->setOption('use_autolinks', false); // default
$markdown = $converter->convert($html); // $markdown now contains "[]("

$environment = new Environment(array(
    // your configuration here
$environment->addConverter(new HeaderConverter()); // optionally - add converter manually

$converter = new HtmlConverter($environment);

$html = '<h3>Header</h3>
<img src="" />
$markdown = $converter->convert($html); // $markdown now contains "### Header" and "<img src="" />"

use League\HTMLToMarkdown\HtmlConverter;
use League\HTMLToMarkdown\Converter\TableConverter;

$converter = new HtmlConverter();
$converter->getEnvironment()->addConverter(new TableConverter());

$html = "<table><tr><th>A</th></tr><tr><td>a</td></tr></table>";
$markdown = $converter->convert($html);