1. Go to this page and download the library: Download nextgen-tech/multiinfo library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
nextgen-tech / multiinfo example snippets
use NGT\MultiInfo\Certificate;
use NGT\MultiInfo\Credentials;
use NGT\MultiInfo\Handler;
use NGT\MultiInfo\Url;
use NGT\MultiInfo\Connections\HttpConnection;
// Create instance of credentials.
$credentials = new Credentials(
$login, // Login of API user
$password, // Password of API user
$serviceId // Service ID
// Create instance of certificate.
$certificate = new Certificate(
$path, // Path to certificate (CURLOPT_SSLCERT)
$privateKeyPath, // Path to certificate private key (CURLOPT_SSLKEY)
$password, // Certificate password (CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD)
$type // Certificate type - defaults to PEM (CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE)
// Create instance of API URL.
$url = Url::api1(); // or URL::api2(), depends of service configuration
// Create instance of connection.
$connection = new HttpConnection($url, $certificate);
// Create handler instance.
$handle = new Handler($connection);
$request = new \NGT\MultiInfo\Requests\SendSmsRequest($credentials);
$request->setContent('message'); // Required, content of the message
$request->setDestination('48123456789'); // Required, phone number of the recipient
$request->setValidTo(new DateTime('+7 days')); // Optional, period of validity of the message
$request->setRequestDeliveryNotification(true); // Optional, indicates whether the delivery notification should be requested
$request->setZeroClass(true); // Optional, indicates whether the message should be sent as zero class
$request->setAdvancedEncoding(true); // Optional, indicates whether the message should use advanced encoding
$request->setDeleteWhenProcessed(true); // Optional, indicates whether the message should be deleted after processing.
$request->setReplyTo(12345); // Optional, ID of message to which the message is replying
$request->setOrigin('CUSTOM'); // Optional, origin (nadpis) of the message.
/** @var \NGT\MultiInfo\Responses\SendSmsResponse */
$response = $handler->handle($request);
$response->getMessageId(); // ID of the message
$response->getSender(); // Phone number of the sender
$response->getReceiver(); // Phone number of the receiver
$response->getContentType(); // Content type of the message
$response->getContent(); // Content of the message
$response->getProtocolId(); // ID of the protocol
$response->getCodingScheme(); // Coding scheme
$response->getServiceId(); // ID of the service
$response->getConnectorId(); // ID of the connector
$response->getReceivedAt(); // Date of receiving message
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