PHP code example of netojose / laravel-bootstrap-4-forms

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download netojose/laravel-bootstrap-4-forms library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


netojose / laravel-bootstrap-4-forms example snippets

Form::text('username', 'Username')

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
    'Form' => NetoJose\Bootstrap4Forms\Bootstrap4FormsFacade::class,

// Opening a form using POST method

// ... Form components here

// Making all inputs inline

// You can use FALSE to turn off disable form inline

// Example
{!!Form::fieldsetOpen('Legend title')!!}
// ... fieldset content

// Example
{!!Form::text('name', 'User name')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::textarea('description', 'Description')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::select('city', 'Choose your city', [1 => 'Gotham City', 2 => 'Springfield'])!!}

// Example

// With array
{!!Form::select('city', 'Choose your city')->options([1 => 'Gotham City', 2 => 'Springfield'])!!}

// With collection
$cities = collect([1 => 'Gotham City', 2 => 'Springfield'])
{!!Form::select('city', 'Choose your city')->options($cities)!!}

// With model collection
$cities = \App\City::all();
{!!Form::select('city', 'Choose your city')->options($cities)!!}

// Your model should have id and name attributes. If these keys are different, you can pass second and/or third parameters (you can use the second parameter to access some model acessor, also)
$cities = \App\City::all();
{!!Form::select('city', 'Choose your city')->options($cities, 'city_name', 'id_object_field')!!}

// When you are using collections, you can use prepend method ( to add an first empty value, like "Choose your city"
$cities = \App\City::all();
{!!Form::select('city', 'Choose your city')->options($cities->prepend('Choose your city', ''))!!}

// Example
{!!Form::checkbox('orange', 'Orange')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::radio('orange', 'Orange')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::file('doc', 'Document')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::date('birthday', 'Birthday')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::tel('number', 'Phone number')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::time('hour', 'Meeting hour')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::urlInput('website', 'You website')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::range('name', 'User name')!!}

// Example

// Example
{!!Form::anchor("Link via parameter", 'foo/bar')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::submit("Send form")!!}

// Example
{!!Form::button("Do something", "warning", "lg")!!}

// Example
{!!Form::reset("Clear form")!!}

// Examples

// With initial data using a Model instance
$user = User::find(1);

// With initial array data
$user = ['name' => 'Jesus', 'age' => 33];

// Example
{!!Form::anchor("Link via url")->url('foo/bar')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::anchor("Link via route")->route('home')!!}

// Example: attach this form to a error bag called "registerErrorBag"

// ------------------------------------------------------

// Now, in your controller ( route), you can redirect the user to a form page again, with erros inside a error bag called "registerErrorBag"
public function register(Request $request)
    $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
        // ... rules here

    if ($validator->fails()) {
        return redirect()
            ->withErrors($validator, 'registerErrorBag');

    // Proced to register here

// ------------------------------------------------------

// If your validation is on a Form Request, you can add a protected method "$errorBag" to set a ErrorBag name

class RegisterRequest extends FormRequest

    protected $errorBag = 'registerErrorBag';

    public function authorize()
        return true;

    public function rules()
        return [
            // ... rules here

// Example
{!!Form::errors("The form has errors")!!}

// Example
{!!Form::text('username', 'User name')->disableValidation()!!}

// You can use FALSE to turn off disable validation (to enable it)
{!!Form::text('username', 'User name')->disableValidation(false)!!}

// Examples

// Using readonly field
{!!Form::checkbox('agree', 'I agree')->checked()!!}

// You can use FALSE to turn off checked status
{!!Form::checkbox('agree', 'I agree')->checked(false)!!}

// Examples
{!!Form::radio('orange', 'Orange')->inline()!!}

{!!Form::checkbox('orange', 'Orange')->inline()!!}

// You can use FALSE to turn off inline status
{!!Form::checkbox('orange', 'Orange')->inline(false)!!}

// Example
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->placeholder('Input placeholder')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::select('city', 'Choose your city', [1 => 'Gotham City', 2 => 'Springfield'])->multiple()!!}

// Example

// Example
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->help('Help text here')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->attrs(['data-foo' => 'bar', 'rel'=> 'baz'])!!}

// Example
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->wrapperAttrs(['data-foo' => 'bar', 'id'=> 'name-wrapper'])!!}

// Examples

// Using readonly field
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->readonly()!!}

// You can use FALSE to turn off readonly status
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->readonly(false)!!}

// Examples

// Disabling a field
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->disabled()!!}

// Disabling a fieldset
{!!Form::fieldsetOpen('User data')->disabled()!!}

// You can use FALSE to turn off disabled status
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->disabled(false)!!}

// Examples

// Disabling a field
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->block()!!}

// You can use FALSE to turn off block status
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->block(false)!!}

// Examples

// Disabling a field
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->uired()!!}

// You can use FALSE to turn off 

// Examples

// Switch off autocomplete for the form

// Explicitly set a autocomplete value
{!!Form::text('mobile', 'Mobile Number')->autocomplete('tel')!!}

// Disable autocomplete for fields with valid names
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->autocomplete('off')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->id('user-name')!!}

// Example

// Examples

// You can use FALSE to turn off multipart

// Examples

// Examples

// Examples
{!!Form::button("Do something")->color("warning")!!}

{!!Form::button("Do something")->color("primary")!!}

// Examples
{!!Form::button("Button label")->warning()!!}
{!!Form::button("Button label")->outline()!!}
{!!Form::button("Button label")->success()!!
{!!Form::button("Button label")->danger()!!}
{!!Form::button("Button label")->secondary()!!}
{!!Form::button("Button label")->info()!!}
{!!Form::button("Button label")->light()!!}
{!!Form::button("Button label")->dark()!!}
{!!Form::button("Button label")->link()!!}

// Examples
{!!Form::button("Do something")->size("sm")!!}

{!!Form::button("Do something")->size("lg")!!}

// Examples
{!!Form::button("Button label")->sm()!!}
{!!Form::button("Button label")->lg()!!}

// Examples

// Password field
{!!Form::text('password', 'Your password')->type('password')!!}

// Number field
{!!Form::text('age', 'Your age')->type('number')!!}

// Email field
{!!Form::text('email', 'Your email')->type('email')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::text('age', 'Your age')->type('number')->min(18)!!}

// Example
{!!Form::text('age', 'Your age')->type('number')->max(18)!!}

// Examples

// Examples
{!!Form::text('age')->label('Your age')!!}

// Example
{!!Form::text('name', 'Your name')->value('Maria')!!}

// Examples

// Number field
{!!Form::render('text')->name('age')->label('Your age')!!}

// Examples

// Disable Bootstrap's is-valid CSS class
{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->disableIsValid()!!}

// Examples


{!!Form::text('name', 'Name')->placeholder('Type your name')->lg()!!}

{!!Form::anchor("Link as a button")->sm()->info()->outline()!!}

{!!Form::submit('Awesome button')->id('my-btn')->disabled()->danger()->lg()!!}
