1. Go to this page and download the library: Download neoxygen/neoclient library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
$query = 'MATCH (a:Actor)-[r]-(m:Movie) RETURN *';
// Getting the graph Result
$result = $client->getResult();
// The raw response is still available :
$response = $client->getResponse();
// Getting all nodes
$nodes = $result->getNodes();
// Getting all movie nodes from the result
$movies = $result->getNodes('Movie');
// Getting all movie and Actor nodes from the result
$moviesAndActors = $result->getNodes(['Movie','Actor']);
// Returns you a collection of nodes objects
// If you want to group the nodes by labels, you can pass true as second argument to the getNodes method
$moviesAndActors = $result->getNodes(['Movie','Actor'], true);
// Returns an array with labels as keys ['Movie' => ['NodeObject1', 'NodeObject2']]
// Getting only one movie (returns in fact the first element of an array, but is handy when you expect only one node
$movie = $result->getSingleNode('Movie');
// Working with the relationships
$movie = $result->getSingleNode('Movie');
$actors = $movie->getRelationships('ACTS_IN');
// Or you may want to specify direction
$actors = $movie->getRelationships('ACTS_IN', 'IN');
// If you need only one relationship :
$actor = $movie->getSingleRelationship('ACTS_IN');
// Getting node/relationships properties
// Getting one property
$actor = $result->getSingleNode('Actor');
$name = $actor->getProperty('name');
// Getting all properties
$props = $actor->getProperties();
// Getting a set of properties
$props = $actor->getProperties(['name', 'date_of_birh']);
// Getting the node internal Id (Id of the Neo4j database)
$id = $actor->getId();
// Getting a node by id in the Result set
$node = $result->getNodeById(34);
// Counting Nodes And Relationships
$nbNodes = $result->getNodesCount();
$nbRels = $result->getRelationshipsCount();
// Since 2.2
// getConnectedNodes and getConnectedNode
// Shortcut bypassing the relationship and returning the connected nodes
$node->getConnectedNodes('IN', 'KNOWS');
$node->getconnectedNodes('OUT', ['KNOWS','FOLLOWS']);
//Same arguments signature for getConnectedNode
$node->getConnectedNode(); // returns only one node
$q = 'MATCH (n:User)<-[:FOLLOWS]-(followers) RETURN n, collect(followers) as flwers';
$r = $client->sendCypherQuery($q)->getResult();
print_r($r->get('flwers')); // Returns an array of node objects
$transaction = $client->createTransaction();
$transaction->pushQuery('MERGE (n:User {id: 123}) RETURN n');
$transaction->pushQuery('MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)');
// Other methods :
$transaction->getLastResult // Returns the result of the last transaction statements
$transaction->getResults() // Returns the results of all the statements
$client->sendCypherQuery('MATCH (n) RETURN count(n) as total', array(), 'testserver1');
$client = ClientBuilder::create()
->addConnection('server1', 'http', '', 7474)
->addConnection('server2', 'http', '', 7474)
->addConnection('server3', 'http', '', 7474)
->setMasterConnection('server1') // Define the Master Connection by providing the connection alias
->setSlaveConnection('server2') // Idem for slave connections
$client->sendWriteQuery('MERGE (n:User {firstname: "Chris"})'); // Will be sent to the "server1" connection
$client->sendReadQuery('MATCH (n:User) RETURN n'); // Will be sent to the "server2" connection
$client->getRoot($client->getWriteConnectionAlias()); // Will be run against the master connection
$client->listLabels($client->getReadConnectionAlias()); // Will be run agains the first found slave connection
$client = ClientBuilder::create()
->addEventListener('foo.action', function (Event $event))
// Adding your own logging
$client = ClientBuilder::create()
->setLogger('app', MyLogger) // My Logger must implement Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
namespace Acme;
use Neoxygen\NeoClient\Command\AbstractCommand;
* Class that is used to get the extensions listed in the API
class MyCommand extends AbstractCommand
public function execute()
$method = 'GET';
$path = '/db/data/extensions';
// The arguments for the send method of the http client are
// $method, $path, $body = null, $connectionAlias = null
return $this->httpClient->send($method, $path, null, $this->connection);