PHP code example of neoteknic / phue

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download neoteknic/phue library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


neoteknic / phue example snippets

nt = new \Phue\Client('', 'yourusername');

$client = new \Phue\Client('', 'sqmk');

try {
		new \Phue\Command\Ping
} catch (\Phue\Transport\Exception\ConnectionException $e) {
	echo 'There was a problem accessing the bridge';

try {
	$ping = new \Phue\Command\Ping;
} catch (\Phue\Transport\Exception\ConnectionException $e) {
	echo 'There was a problem accessing the bridge';

$isAuthenticated = $client->sendCommand(
	new \Phue\Command\IsAuthorized

echo $isAuthenticated
   ? 'You are authenticated!'
   : 'You are not authenticated!';

// Push the bridge's link button prior to running this
try {
	$response = $client->sendCommand(
		new \Phue\Command\CreateUser

	echo 'New user created: ' . $response->username;
} catch (\Phue\Transport\Exception\LinkButtonException $e) {
	echo 'The link button was not pressed!';

// From the client
foreach ($client->getLights() as $lightId => $light) {
	echo "Id #{$lightId} - {$light->getName()}", "\n";

// Or from command
$lights = $client->sendCommand(
	new \Phue\Command\GetLights

foreach ($lights as $lightId => $light) {
	echo "Id #{$lightId} - {$light->getName()}", "\n";

// Retrieve light of id 3 from convenience method
$lights = $client->getLights();
$light = $lights[3];

echo $light->getName(), "\n";

// Manually send command to get light of id 3
$light = $client->sendCommand(
	new \Phue\Command\GetLightById(3)

echo $light->getName(), "\n";

// Get a specific light
$lights = $client->getLights(); 
$light = $lights[3];

// Retrieving light properties:
echo $light->getId(), "\n",
     $light->getName(), "\n",
     $light->getType(), "\n",
     $light->getModelId(), "\n",
     $light->getSoftwareVersion(), "\n",
     $light->isOn(), "\n",
     $light->getAlert(), "\n",
     $light->getBrightness(), "\n",
     $light->getHue(), "\n",
     $light->getSaturation(), "\n",
     $light->getXY()['x'], "\n",
     $light->getXY()['y'], "\n",
     $light->getRGB()['red'], "\n",
     $light->getRGB()['green'], "\n",
     $light->getRGB()['blue'], "\n",
     $light->getEffect(), "\n",
     $light->getColorTemp(), "\n",
     $light->getColorMode(), "\n";

// Setting name
$light->setName('Living Room #1');

// Setting on/off state (true|false)

// Setting alert (select|lselect)

// Setting brightness (0 for no light, 255 for max brightness)

// Set hue (0 to 65535), pairs with saturation, changes color mode to 'hs'

// Set saturation (0 min, 255 max), pairs with hue, changes color mode to 'hs'

// Set xy, CIE 1931 color space (from 0.0 to 1.0 for both x and y)
// Changes color mode to 'xy'
$light->setXY(0.25, 0.5);

// Set rgb (0 to 255 each), is converted to XY and brightness
$light->setRGB(30, 100, 50);

// Set color temp (153 min, 500 max), changes color mode to 'ct'

// Set effect (none|colorloop)

// Retrieve light
$lights = $client->getLights(); 
$light = $lights[3];

// Setting the brightness, hue, and saturation at the same time
$command = new \Phue\Command\SetLightState($light);

// Transition time (in seconds).
// 0 for "snapping" change
// Any other value for gradual change between current and new state

// Send the command

// Create group with list of ids, and get group
$groupId = $client->sendCommand(
	new \Phue\Command\CreateGroup('Office Lights', array(1, 2))

$groups = $client->getGroups(); 
$group = $groups[$groupId];

// Create group with list of lights, and get group
$groupId2 = $client->sendCommand(
	new \Phue\Command\CreateGroup(
		'Office Lights #2',

$groups = $client->getGroups(); 
$group = $groups[$groupId2];

// Convenient way of retrieving groups
foreach ($client->getGroups() as $groupId => $group) {
	echo $group->getId(), ' - ',
	     $group->getName(), "\n";

// Manual command for retrieving groups
$groups = $client->sendCommand(
	new \Phue\Command\GetGroups

foreach ($groups as $groupId => $group) {
	echo $group->getId(), ' - ',
	     $group->getName(), "\n";

// Convenient way of retrieving a single group by id
$groups = $client->getGroups(); 
$group = $groups[1];

echo $group->getId(), ' - ',
     $group->getName(), "\n";

// Manual command for retrieving group by id
$group = $client->sendCommand(
	new \Phue\Command\GetGroupById(1)

echo $group->getId(), ' - ',
     $group->getName(), "\n";

// Get a specific group
$groups = $client->getGroups(); 
$group = $groups[1];

// Retrieving group properties:
echo $group->getId(), "\n",
     $group->getName(), "\n",
     implode(', ', $group->getLightIds()), "\n",
     $group->isOn(), "\n",
     $group->getBrightness(), "\n",
     $group->getHue(), "\n",
     $group->getSaturation(), "\n",
     $group->getXY()['x'], "\n",
     $group->getXY()['y'], "\n",
     $group->getRGB()['red'], "\n",
     $group->getRGB()['green'], "\n",
     $group->getRGB()['blue'], "\n",
     $group->getColorTemp(), "\n",
     $group->getColorMode(), "\n",
     $group->getEffect(), "\n";

// Setting name

// Setting lights
$lights = $client->getLights(); 

// Setting on/off state (true|false)

// Setting brightness (0 for no light, 255 for max brightness)

// Set hue (0 to 65535), pairs with saturation, changes color mode to 'hs'

// Set saturation (0 min, 255 max), pairs with hue, changes color mode to 'hs'

// Set xy, CIE 1931 color space (from 0.0 to 1.0 for both x and y)
// Changes color mode to 'xy'
$group->setXY(0.25, 0.5);

// Set rgb (0 to 255 each), is converted to XY and brightness
$group->setRGB(30, 100, 50);

// Set color temp (153 min, 500 max), changes color mode to 'ct'

// Set effect (none|colorloop)

// Retrieve group
$groups = $client->getGroups(); 
$group = $groups[1];

// Setting the brightness, color temp, and transition at the same time
$command = new \Phue\Command\SetGroupState($group);

// Send the command

// Retrieve group and delete
$groups = $client->getGroups(); 
$group = $groups[1];

// Send command
	new \Phue\Command\DeleteGroup(1)

// Get all group
$allGroup = $client->sendCommand(
	new \Phue\Command\GetGroupById(0)

// Set brightness on all bulbs

// Create command to dim all lights
$groupCommand = new \Phue\Command\SetGroupState(0);

// Create schedule command to run 10 seconds from now
// Time is a parsable DateTime date.
$scheduleCommand = new \Phue\Command\CreateSchedule(
	'Dim all lights',
	'+10 seconds',

// Set a custom description on the schedule, defaults to name
$scheduleCommand->description('Dims all lights in house to 30');

// Send the schedule to bridge

// Show list of schedules
$command = $schedule->getCommand();
foreach ($client->getSchedules() as $scheduleId => $schedule) {
	echo $schedule->getId(), "\n",
	     $schedule->getName(), "\n",
	     $schedule->getDescription(), "\n",
	     $schedule->getTime(), "\n",
	     $command['address'], "\n",
	     $command['method'], "\n",
	     json_encode($command['body']), "\n";

// Delete a given schedule
$schedules = $client->getSchedules(); 
$schedule = $schedules[2];

// Instantiate a client object
$client = new \Phue\Client('', 'yourusername');

// Override the default transport
	new \Phue\Transport\Adapter\Streaming