PHP code example of neochief / syllable

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download neochief/syllable library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


neochief / syllable example snippets

$syllable = new \Vanderlee\Syllable\Syllable('en-us');
echo $syllable->hyphenateText('Provide a plethora of paragraphs');

use Vanderlee\Syllable\Syllable;
use Vanderlee\Syllable\Hyphen;

// Globally set the directory where Syllable can store cache files.
// By default, this is the cache/ folder in this package, but usually
// you want to have the folder outside the package. Note that the cache
// folder must be created beforehand.
Syllable::setCacheDir(__DIR__ . '/cache');

// Globally set the directory where the .tex files are stored.
// By default, this is the languages/ folder of this package and
// usually does not need to be adapted.
Syllable::setLanguageDir(__DIR__ . '/languages');

// Create a new instance for the language.
$syllable = new Syllable('en-us');

// Set the style of the hyphen. In this case it is the "-" character.
// By default, it is the soft hyphen "&shy;".
$syllable->setHyphen(new Hyphen\Dash());

// Set the minimum word length 

composer dump-autoload --dev
LOG_LEVEL=0 ./build/update-language-files

composer dump-autoload --dev