PHP code example of nelexa / enum

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download nelexa/enum library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


nelexa / enum example snippets

use Nelexa\Enum;

 * @method static self PENDING()
 * @method static self ACTIVE()
 * @method static self INACTIVE()
 * @method static self DELETED()
class UserStatus extends Enum
    public const
        PENDING = 1,
        ACTIVE = 1 << 1,
        INACTIVE = 1 << 2,
        DELETED = 1 << 3;

$enum = UserStatus::ACTIVE();

assert($enum instanceof UserStatus);
assert($enum->name() === 'ACTIVE');
assert($enum->value() === 1 << 1);
assert($enum->ordinal() === 1);

foreach (UserStatus::values() as $userStatus) {
    printf('User status: %s, status id: %d, ordinal: %d' . PHP_EOL,

$userStatus = UserStatus::DELETED();
if ($userStatus === UserStatus::DELETED()) {
    echo 'User status: ' . $userStatus->name() . PHP_EOL;

$enum = UserStatus::valueOf('ACTIVE');

assert(UserStatus::ACTIVE() === UserStatus::valueOf('ACTIVE'));

$enum = UserStatus::valueOf('ACTIVE');
$value = $enum->value();

assert(UserStatus::fromValue($value) === $enum);
assert(UserStatus::fromValue($value) === UserStatus::valueOf('ACTIVE'));

$enum = UserStatus::PENDING();
switch ($enum) {
    case UserStatus::ACTIVE():
        echo 'Active status';
    case UserStatus::PENDING():
        echo 'Pending status';
    case UserStatus::DELETED():
        echo 'Delete status';
    case UserStatus::INACTIVE():
        echo 'Inactive status';
        throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid value');

 * @var UserStatus
private $status;

public function setStatus(UserStatus $status): void
    $this->status = $status;

public function getStatus(): UserStatus
    return $this->status;

public function isActive(): bool
    return $this->status === UserStatus::ACTIVE();

echo sprintf('User status is %s.' . PHP_EOL, $user->getStatus()->name());

 * @method static self PLUS()
 * @method static self MINUS()
 * @method static self TIMES()
 * @method static self DIVIDE()
class Operation extends \Nelexa\Enum
    private const
        PLUS = null,
        MINUS = null,
        TIMES = null,
        DIVIDE = null;

     * Do arithmetic op represented by this constant
     * @param float $x
     * @param float $y
     * @return float
    public function calculate(float $x, float $y): float
        switch ($this) {
            case self::PLUS():
                return $x + $y;
            case self::MINUS():
                return $x - $y;
            case self::TIMES():
                return $x * $y;
            case self::DIVIDE():
                return $x / $y;
        throw new \AssertionError('Unknown op: ' . $this->name());

echo Operation::PLUS()->calculate(4, 2);   // 6
echo Operation::TIMES()->calculate(4, 2);  // 8
echo Operation::MINUS()->calculate(4, 2);  // 2
echo Operation::DIVIDE()->calculate(4, 2); // 2


use Nelexa\Enum;

 * Class Planet
 * @method static self MERCURY()
 * @method static self VENUS()
 * @method static self EARTH()
 * @method static self MARS()
 * @method static self JUPITER()
 * @method static self SATURN()
 * @method static self URANUS()
 * @method static self NEPTUNE()
 * @method static self PLUTO()
 * @see
class Planet extends Enum
    private const
        MERCURY = [3.303e+23, 2.4397e6],
        VENUS = [4.869e+24, 6.0518e6],
        EARTH = [5.976e+24, 6.37814e6],
        MARS = [6.421e+23, 3.3972e6],
        JUPITER = [1.9e+27, 7.1492e7],
        SATURN = [5.688e+26, 6.0268e7],
        URANUS = [8.686e+25, 2.5559e7],
        NEPTUNE = [1.024e+26, 2.4746e7],
        PLUTO = [1.27e+22, 1.137e6];

     * @var double universal gravitational constant (m3 kg-1 s-2)
    private static $G = 6.67300E-11;

     * @var double in kilograms
    private $mass;
     * @var double in meters
    private $radius;

     * In this method, you can initialize additional variables based on the
     * value of the constant. The method is called after the constructor.
     * @param string|int|float|bool|array|null $value the enum scalar value of the constant
    protected function initValue($value): void
        [$this->mass, $this->radius] = $value;

    public function mass(): float
        return $this->mass;

    public function radius(): float
        return $this->radius;

    public function surfaceGravity(): float
        return self::$G * $this->mass / ($this->radius * $this->radius);

    public function surfaceWeight(float $otherMass): float
        return round($otherMass * $this->surfaceGravity(), 6);

$earthWeight = 175;
$mass = $earthWeight / Planet::EARTH()->surfaceGravity();
foreach (Planet::values() as $p) {
    printf("Your weight on %s is %f\n", $p->name(), $p->surfaceWeight($mass));

abstract class Nelexa\Enum {

    /* Methods */
    final public static valueOf ( string $name ) : static
    final public name ( void ) : string
    final public value ( void ) : string | int | float | bool | array | null
    final public static values ( void ) : static[]
    final public static containsKey ( string $name ) : bool
    final public static containsValue ( mixed $value [, bool $strict = true ] ) : bool
    final public static function fromValue( mixed $value ): static
    final public ordinal ( void ) : int
    public __toString ( void ) : string
    protected static function getEnumConstants(): array

echo \Nelexa\enum_docblock(Planet::class);
// or
echo \Nelexa\enum_docblock(Planet::MERCURY());