PHP code example of needle-project / laravel-rabbitmq

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download needle-project/laravel-rabbitmq library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


needle-project / laravel-rabbitmq example snippets

return [
    // ...
    'providers' => [
        // ...
    // ...

return [
    'connections' => [
        'connectionA' => [/** Connection A attributes */],
        'connectionB' => [/** Connection B attributes */],
    'exchanges' => [
        'exchangeA' => [
            // Tells that the exchange will use the connection A
            'connection' => 'connectionA',
            /** Exchange A Attributes */
        'exchangeB' => [
            // Tells that the exchange will use the connection B
            'connection' => 'connectionB',
            /** Exchange B Attributes */
    'queues' => [
        'queueA' => [
            // Tells that the queue will use the connection alias A
            'connection' => 'connectionA',
            /** Queue A Attributes */
    'publishers' => [
        'aPublisherName' => /** will publish to exchange defined by alias */ 'exchangeA'
    'consumers' => [
        'aConsumerName' => [
            // will read messages from
            'queue' => 'queueA',
            // and will send the for processing to an "NeedleProject\LaravelRabbitMq\Processor\MessageProcessorInterface"
            'message_processor' => \NeedleProject\LaravelRabbitMq\Processor\CliOutputProcessor::class

	['exchange' => '', 'routing_key' => '*'],
	['exchange' => '', 'routing_key' => 'foo_bar'],

	['queue' => '', 'routing_key' => '*'],
	['queue' => '', 'routing_key' => 'foo_bar'],

'publishers' => [
	'myFirstPublisher' => 'echangeAliasName',
	'mySecondPublisher' => 'queueAliasName'
	// and many as you need

'consumers' => [
    'myConsumerName' => [
        'queue' => 'queueAliasName',
        'prefetch_count' => 1,
        'message_processor' => \NeedleProject\LaravelRabbitMq\Processor\CliOutputProcessor::class

return [
    'connections' => [
        'connectionA' => [],
    'exchanges' => [
        'exchangeA' => [
            'connection' => 'connectionA',
			'name' => 'foo_bar',
			'attributes' => [
				'exchange_type' => 'topic'
    'queues' => [
        'queueB' => [
            'connection' => 'connectionA',
            'name' => 'foo_bar_listener',
			'attributes' => [
				'bind' => [
                    ['exchange' => 'foo_bar', 'routing_key' => '*']
    'publishers' => [
        'aPublisherName' => 'exchangeA'
    'consumers' => [
        'aConsumerName' => [
            'queue' => 'queueB',
            'message_processor' => \NeedleProject\LaravelRabbitMq\Processor\CliOutputProcessor::class

 * @var $app \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container
 * @var $publisher \NeedleProject\LaravelRabbitMq\PublisherInterface 
$publisher = $app->makeWith(PublisherInterface::class, ['aPublisherName']);
$message = [
    'title' => 'Hello world',
    'body' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.',
$routingKey = '*';
$publisher->publish(json_encode($message), /* optional */$routingKey);

protected function ack(AMQPMessage $message);
protected function nack(AMQPMessage $message, bool $redeliver = true);
php artisan rabbitmq:publish aPublisherName MyMessage
php artisan rabbitmq:consume aConsumerName
php artisan rabbitmq:consume aConsumerName --time=60 --messages=100 --memory=64