PHP code example of navjobs / transmit

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download navjobs/transmit library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


navjobs / transmit example snippets

'providers' => [

use NavJobs\Transmit\Controller as ApiController;

class BookController extends ApiController

//Return the specified item, transformed
$this->respondWithItem($item, $optionalTransformer);

//Sets the status code to 201 and return the specified item, transformed
$this->respondWithItemCreated($item, $optionalTransformer);

//Return the specified collection, transformed
$this->respondWithCollection($collection, $optionalTransformer);

//Paginate the specified collection
$this->respondWithPaginatedCollection($collection, $optionalTransformer, $perPage = 10);

//Set the status code to 204, and return no content

//Sets the status code to 403

//Sets the status code to 500

//Sets the status code to 404

//Sets the status code to 401

//Sets the status code to 400

//Eager loads the specified loquentModel, $provided query Builder
$this->applyParameters($queryBuilder, $parameters);

use NavJobs\LaravelApi\Transformer as BaseTransformer;

class BookTransformer extends BaseTransformer

//Pass in either an array or csv string
//Returns an array of 

namespace App\Book\Http\Books\Controllers;

use Exception;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Book\Domain\Books\Entities\Book;
use App\Book\Transformers\BookTransformer;
use App\Book\Http\Books\Requests\BookRequest;
use NavJobs\Transmit\Controller as ApiController;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException;

class BookController extends ApiController
    protected $bookModel;
    protected $transformer;
    protected $fractal;

     * @param Book $bookModel
     * @param BookTransformer $transformer
    public function __construct(Book $bookModel, BookTransformer $transformer)

        $this->transformer = $transformer;
        $this->bookModel = $bookModel;

     * Show a list of Books.
     * @param Request $request
     * @return mixed
    public function index(Request $request)
        $public function store(BookRequest $request)
        $book = $this->bookModel->create($request->all());

        return $this->respondWithItemCreated($book, $this->transformer);

     * Handle the request to update a Book.
     * @param BookRequest $request
     * @param $bookId
     * @return mixed
    public function update(BookRequest $request, $bookId)
        try {
            $book = $this->bookModel->findOrFail($bookId);
        } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
            return $this->errorNotFound();


        return $this->respondWithNoContent();

     * Handle the request to delete a Book.
     * @param $bookId
     * @return mixed
    public function destroy($bookId)
        try {
            $book = $this->bookModel->findOrFail($bookId);
        } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
            return $this->errorNotFound();

        try {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return $this->errorInternalError();

        return $this->respondWithNoContent();

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NavJobs\Transmit\TransmitServiceProvider"