PHP code example of nastuzzi-samy / reflection-namespace

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download nastuzzi-samy/reflection-namespace library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


nastuzzi-samy / reflection-namespace example snippets

// Regroup the namespace generated by our projet and the RandomPackage package:
new \ReflectionNamespace('App');
new \ReflectionNamespace('App\\');  // It is the same that the previous one.
new \ReflectionNamespace('\\App\\');  // Same.
new \ReflectionNamespace('\\App');  // Same.

// Regroup the namespace generated by our RandomPackage package:
new \ReflectionNamespace('App\Console');
new \ReflectionNamespace('App\Console\\');  // It is the same that the previous one.
new \ReflectionNamespace('\\App\Console');  // Same.
new \ReflectionNamespace('\\App\Console\\');  // Same.

$modelsReflection = new \ReflectionNamespace('App\\Models');

echo $modelsReflection->getName();  // App\Models
echo $modelsReflection->getShortName();  // Models
echo $modelsReflection->getParentName();  // App

$modelsReflection = new \ReflectionNamespace('App\\Models');

// Equivalent to: new \ReflectionNamespace('App');
$appReflection = $modelsReflection->getParent();

Get all class names under App\Models.
Equivalent to:
	'User' => 'App\\Models\\User',
	'Group' => 'App\\Models\\Group',

Get all classes under App\Models.
Equivalent to:
	'User' => new \ReflectionClass('App\\Models\\User'),
	'Group' => new \ReflectionClass('App\\Models\\Group'),

Get all namespace full names under App.
Equivalent to:
	'Console' => 'App\\Console',
	'Http' => 'App\\Http',
	'Models' => 'App\\Models',

Get all namespaces under App.
Equivalent to:
	'Console' => new \ReflectionNamespace('App\\Console'),
	'Http' => new \ReflectionNamespace('App\\Http'),
	'Models' => new \ReflectionNamespace('App\\Models'),

// Equivalent to: new \ReflectionClass('App\\Models\\User');
// Throw an exception.

echo $appReflection->hasNamespace('Models'); // TRUE
echo $modelsReflection->hasNamespace('User'); // FALSE

// Ask the class to load also from PSR-0.

// Refresh all loaded data:

// Ask the class not to load from PSR-0.

// Ask the class to load also from loaded classes, interfaces and traits.

// Refresh all loaded data:

// Ask the class not to load from loaded classes, interfaces and traits.

// Ask to reload all loaders:

// Refresh all loaded data to use the full loader list:

$myNewLoader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader();

/* work on $myNewLoader... */



Project example structure:

	random-package/  # RandomPackage defines app/ as \App namespace also