PHP code example of nason / weather

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download nason/weather library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


nason / weather example snippets

use Nason\Weather\Weather;

$key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';

$weather = new Weather($key);

$response = $weather->getLiveWeather('深圳');

$response = $weather->getForecastsWeather('深圳');

// 实时天气
$response = $weather->getLiveWeather('深圳', 'xml');

// 近期天气预报
$response = $weather->getForecastsWeather('深圳', 'xml');

array | string   getWeather(string $city, string $type = 'base', string $format = 'json')

'weather' => [
    'key' => env('WEATHER_API_KEY'),

public function edit(Weather $weather)
    // 实时天气
    $response = $weather->getLiveWeather('深圳');
    // 近期天气预报
    $response = $weather->getForecastsWeather('深圳');

public function edit(Weather $weather)
    // 实时天气
    $response = app('weather')->getLiveWeather('深圳');
    // 近期天气预报
    $response = app('weather')->getForecastsWeather('深圳');
    "status": "1",
    "count": "1",
    "info": "OK",
    "infocode": "10000",
    "forecasts": [
            "city": "深圳市",
            "adcode": "440300",
            "province": "广东",
            "reporttime": "2018-08-21 11:00:00",
            "casts": [
                    "date": "2018-08-21",
                    "week": "2",
                    "dayweather": "雷阵雨",
                    "nightweather": "雷阵雨",
                    "daytemp": "31",
                    "nighttemp": "26",
                    "daywind": "无风向",
                    "nightwind": "无风向",
                    "daypower": "≤3",
                    "nightpower": "≤3"
                    "date": "2018-08-22",
                    "week": "3",
                    "dayweather": "雷阵雨",
                    "nightweather": "雷阵雨",
                    "daytemp": "32",
                    "nighttemp": "27",
                    "daywind": "无风向",
                    "nightwind": "无风向",
                    "daypower": "≤3",
                    "nightpower": "≤3"
                    "date": "2018-08-23",
                    "week": "4",
                    "dayweather": "雷阵雨",
                    "nightweather": "雷阵雨",
                    "daytemp": "32",
                    "nighttemp": "26",
                    "daywind": "无风向",
                    "nightwind": "无风向",
                    "daypower": "≤3",
                    "nightpower": "≤3"
                    "date": "2018-08-24",
                    "week": "5",
                    "dayweather": "雷阵雨",
                    "nightweather": "雷阵雨",
                    "daytemp": "31",
                    "nighttemp": "26",
                    "daywind": "无风向",
                    "nightwind": "无风向",
                    "daypower": "≤3",
                    "nightpower": "≤3"
    <lives type="list">
            <reporttime>2018-08-21 16:00:00</reporttime>