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nasarbashag / yii2-nasarbashag-myfatoorah example snippets
"nbMyFatoorah" => [
'Token' => "Occaecat non adipisicing velit officia reprehenderit non non ea velit ad minim.",
'Url' => "Occaecat non adipisicing velit officia reprehenderit non non ea velit ad minim.",
'SuccessUrl' => "Occaecat non adipisicing velit officia reprehenderit non non ea velit ad minim.",
'ErrorUrl' => "Occaecat non adipisicing velit officia reprehenderit non non ea velit ad minim.",
'Currency' => "Occaecat non adipisicing velit officia reprehenderit non non ea velit ad minim.",
$initPayment = new Embed();
$result = $initPayment->initiatePayment(amount: 100.00, currentcyIso : "KWD");
// this result will all the payment methods
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