PHP code example of napp / fenerum-api-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download napp/fenerum-api-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


napp / fenerum-api-client example snippets


AccountCreated::class => [
AccountUpdated::class => [
CancelSubscription::class => [

// use DI to resolve dependencies
$accounts = app(\Fenerum\ApiService::class)->account();

// or without DI
$client = new \Fenerum\ApiClient();
$fenerum = new \Fenerum\ApiService($client);
$accounts = $fenerum->account();

use Fenerum\ApiService;

$accounts = app(ApiService::class)->account()->listAccounts();

// find account with id "1234"
$myAccount = $fenerum->account()->getAccount('1234');

// get the first subscription
$subId = $myAccount['subscription_set'][0]['uuid'];

// update subscription user seat count
$updatedSubscription = $fenerum->subscription()->updateSubscription([
    'quantity' => 59
], $subId);

/** @var \Fenerum\ApiService $fenerum */
$fenerum = app(\Fenerum\ApiService::class);

$localAccountCode = '12345678';
$planTermId = 'c82a888e-2149-4b3c-8e14-ff5086e49417';

// create an account
    'company_name' => 'Foo Bar Inc',
    'code' => $localAccountCode,
    'legal_address' => 'Road 123',
    'legal_zipcode' => '90210',
    'legal_city' => 'Hollywood',
    'legal_country' => 'US',
    'billing_same_as_legal' => true,
    'language' => 'en',
    'legal_vat_number' => 'US22223344',

// add subscription to the account
$result = $fenerum->subscription()->createSubscription([
   'account' => $localAccountCode,
   'terms' => $planTermId,
   'collection_method' => 'invoice',
   'start_date' => now()->endOfMonth()->toIso8601String(),
   'payment_terms' => 14

/** @var \Fenerum\ApiService $fenerum */
$fenerum = app(\Fenerum\ApiService::class);

$localAccountCode = '12345678';
$planTermId = 'c82a888e-2149-4b3c-8e14-ff5086e49417';

// create an account
$account = $fenerum->account()->createAccount([
    'company_name' => 'Foo Bar Inc',
    'code' => $localAccountCode,
    'legal_address' => 'Road 123',
    'legal_zipcode' => '90210',
    'legal_city' => 'Hollywood',
    'legal_country' => 'US',
    'billing_same_as_legal' => true,
    'language' => 'en',
    'legal_vat_number' => 'US22223344',

// create a recipient
    'account' => $account['uuid'],
    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'receive_invoice' => true,
    'receive_payment_confirmation' => true,
    'receive_subscription_notifications' => true,

// assign a 24 month contract to the account
$contract = $fenerum->contract()->createContract([
    'plan_terms' => $planTermId,
    'start_date' => now()->startOfDay()->toIso8601String(),
    'commitment_length' => 24
], $localAccountCode);

// add 10% discounting
    'minimum_quantity' => 1,
    'discount' => '10',
    'discount_type' => 'percent',
], $localAccountCode, $contract['uuid']);

// add subscription to the account
$result = $fenerum->subscription()->createSubscription([
   'account' => $localAccountCode,
   'terms' => $planTermId,
   'collection_method' => 'invoice',
   'start_date' => now()->endOfMonth()->toIso8601String(),
   'payment_terms' => 14

$invoice = app(\Fenerum\ApiService::class)

$filePath = public_path('invoice_'.$invoice['invoice_number'].'.pdf');
file_put_contents($filePath, base64_decode($invoice['pdf_base64']));

return response()->download($filePath)->deleteFileAfterSend(true);