PHP code example of namshi / innovate

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download namshi/innovate library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


namshi / innovate example snippets

$myGuzzleClient = MyGuzzleClient(...);

$client = new Client('storeid', 'merchantid', 'key', 'searchkey', $myGuzzleClient);

use Namshi\Innovate\Http\Response\Redirect;

$response = $client->performPayment($transaction, $card, $billing, $browser);

if ($response instanceOf Redirect) {
    // 3D secure transactions
} else {
    // Normal transactions

$response = $client->performPayment($transaction, $card, $billing, $browser);

if ($response->getStatusCode() === 200) {
    // payment done
} else {
    // transaction failed

use Namshi\Innovate\Http\Response\Redirect;

$response = $client->performPayment($transaction, $card, $billing, $browser);

if ($response instanceof Redirect) {
    // build a form

$targetUrl = $response->getTargetUrl();
$session   = $response->getSession();
$pareq     = $response->getPareq();

if ($finalResponse->getStatusCode() === 200) {
    // payment done
} else {
    // payment failed

$client = new Client('storeid', 'merchantid', 'key', 'searchkey');

$card = new TokenizedCard('4000000000000002', new \DateTime('2025-5'));
$billing = new TokenizedBillingInfo(
    new Customer('Forenames', 'Surname', 'Mr'),
    '[email protected]'

$response = $client->tokenize($card, $billing);

/* response body
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
$mpiData = array(
    'PaRes'     => $request->get('PaRes'),
    'session'   => $request->get('MD'),

$finalResponse = $client->perform3DSecurePayment($transaction, $card, $billingInformation, $browser, $mpiData);

$configs = array(
    'storeId'           => 'xxxxx',  // your store Id in Innovate
    'merchantId'        => 'xxxxx',  // your merchant Id in Innovate
    'authenticationKey' => 'xxxxxxxxxxx',  // your authentication key
    'searchKey'         => 'xxxxxxxxxxx',  // your search key

// Card info
$cardInfo = array(
    'number'    => '111111111111111',
    'cvv'       => 'XXX',

// The card which need redirection for 3d secured
$redirectUrlCardInfo = array(
    'number'    => '111111111111111',
    'cvv'       => 'XXX',


// your ip and should be in Innovate white list
$ip = '';

phpunit tests/Namshi/Innovate/Test/Integration/ServiceTest.php