PHP code example of namesfang / tencent-map

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download namesfang/tencent-map library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


namesfang / tencent-map example snippets

use Namesfang\Tencent\Map\Log\Logger;
use Namesfang\Tencent\Map\Bundle\CoordOption;
use Namesfang\Tencent\Map\Bundle\Coord;

// +-----------------------------------------------------------
// | 日志记录
// | 自行封装需要实现 LoggerInterface 接口类
// +-----------------------------------------------------------
 $logger = new Logger(LOG_PATH, true);

// 实例化传入参数
$option = new CoordOption();
$option->setLocation('39.12', '116.83');
$option->setLocation('30.21', '115.43');
// 或者使用

$location = new Coord($option, $logger);

$ret = $location->request(true);

//$logger->print($ret->original, true);



use Namesfang\Tencent\Map\Bundle\GeocoderOption;
use Namesfang\Tencent\Map\Log\Logger;
use Namesfang\Tencent\Map\Bundle\Geocoder;
// +-----------------------------------------------------------
// | 日志记录
// | 自行封装需要实现 LoggerInterface 接口类
// +-----------------------------------------------------------
$logger = new Logger(LOG_PATH, true);

// 实例化传入参数
$option = new GeocoderOption();

$geo = new Geocoder($option, $logger);

$ret = $geo->request(true);

//$logger->print($ret->original, true);



use Namesfang\Tencent\Map\Log\Logger;
use Namesfang\Tencent\Map\Bundle\LocationOption;
use Namesfang\Tencent\Map\Bundle\Location;
// +-----------------------------------------------------------
// | 日志记录
// | 自行封装需要实现 LoggerInterface 接口类
// +-----------------------------------------------------------
$logger = new Logger(LOG_PATH, true);

// 实例化传入参数
$option = new LocationOption();
// 如不传默认为当前请求地址

$location = new Location($option, $logger);

$ret = $location->request(true);

//$logger->print($ret->original, true);

